Posts Tagged ‘Banking’

Interest Rates in Practice of the Banks

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

Interest Rates

There are many methods, usually banks use to calculate the interest rates and each method will change the amount of interest that you have to pay. If you know that how to calculate the interest rates, you will better understand your loan contract with your bank. In addition, you will be in a better position to negotiate your interest rate with your bank. (more…)

Key Benefits of Online Bookkeeping:

Wednesday, January 4th, 2017

Online Bookkeeping

What is Benefits of Online Bookkeeping? A comprehensive bookkeeping system provides a strong support to the business ever.  Traditionally it was a common practice in business sectors to hire an accountant or a bookkeeper to take care of bookkeeping responsibilities. (more…)

7 Vital Factors That Define Cash Reserve of The Bank

Wednesday, January 4th, 2017

7 Vital Factors That Define Cash Reserve of The Bank - ERP Gold

What are the major Factors that Define Cash Reserve of the Bank? Most of the liabilities of a banker are demand obligations. In order to meet the demand liabilities on deposits, he must keep with him sufficient amount of cash reserve. (more…)