Archive for the ‘Multi channel inventory’ Category

Why ecommerce inventory tracking is indispensable?

Monday, April 18th, 2022


What does E-commerce Inventory Tracking software do?


E-commerce inventory tracking software measures the quantity, location, price, and mix of items offered by your firm. These items may be stored in your own warehouse, given by a third-party logistics fulfillment center (3PL), or acquired through dropshipping.

Businesses can see what items are overstocked, in stock, understocked, and out of stock.

Inventory management is linked to financial management. Inventory management provides you a bird’s eye perspective of every pallet’s potential income in any big warehouse. Organizations may make better marketing choices and modify future storage or warehousing requirements.

Inventory management relies on logistics and analytics. Stocking levels reveal purchase, seasonal, and consumer demand tendencies. You’re harming the connection you’re trying to develop with your customers and suppliers by not fulfilling orders on schedule or offering items at a pace you can’t fulfill.

Correcting inventory management errors may cost organizations a lot of money, both in missed sales and dead stock. If you manage your inventory well, you’ll acquire insight into buyer behavior and a better grasp product lifecycles.

What Are the Benefits of Ecommerce Inventory Tracking Software


  • Better Inventory Tracking Practices

Imagine how long it used to take warehouse personnel to learn about an order, locate the item(s) in the order, then package the order for distribution.

So long as your inventory management is accurate, you can save a lot of work hours.

Warehouses might suffer from system errors or missing goods due to system errors. A robust inventory management system saves time and increases team productivity.

  • Monitoring All Inventory

While one warehouse with one product may work for some, bigger organizations or those anticipating exponential development need to have a plan.

Choosing numerous warehouses, particularly when exporting internationally, adds to the complexity.

An ecommerce inventory tracking software notifies you where your items are and when they’re running short.

Unparalleled insight into many warehouses makes inventory management simpler than ever.

  • Wow, Every Client

If your eCommerce website shows an item in stock yet it isn’t available, it produces a confusing customer experience. The more precise your inventory management, the more aligned you are with client expectations. This is particularly true for firms that sell on both Amazon and brick-and-mortar. It’s critical to know your final inventory count and how it changes when orders come in from various sources.

  • Get rid of dead stock and squander

While not having enough inventories might be a concern, having too many increases the danger of not selling it all.

Reporting (such as historical sales reports and FBA reports) helps users avoid dead stock and wasted inventory. They feel more prepared and confident using sales data than a handwritten spreadsheet to make reorder choices.

Inventory management systems can show you when you are running low on items and when those you do have are approaching expiration. Extra storage and substantial discounting to get rid of inventories are unnecessary.

When it comes to promotional or liquidation discounts, having the correct e-commerce inventory tracking software foundation and front-end experience is critical.

A sale area on your website or discounts on product pages might entice customers to buy.

  • Make Returning Customers More Re-Order Friendly

A consumer often returns to a website to buy the same item. Users can simply access their purchase history and re-order what they need, thanks to your e-Commerce platform‘s excellent inventory management system, invoicing, and login features.

Big Commerce businesses can simply establish email and marketing campaigns focused on product repurchasing with email marketing partners.

  • Managing online stock

Inventory management is a vital component of operating a successful eCommerce company. You risk losing money or not meeting client demand. Learn how to create an accurate, efficient, and cost-effective inventory management system.

  • Stock check

An inventory audit verifies that the financial records and the actual count of products match. It ensures correct stock reporting and avoids stockouts. A spot check (counting actual goods to verify whether it matches what you think you should have) or a third-party inventory audit may be performed.

  • Inventory control

Inventory management is critical to eCommerce success. It is the process of managing and monitoring a company’s stock. The process comprises ordering, refilling, and predicting inventories. A good inventory management system prepares you for unforeseen events like product shortages, storage demands, production delays, and cash flow concerns.

  • Online store inventory management

You can monitor inventory levels across channels and locations with inventory management software. An inventory management system is essential in today’s digital environment.

The correct inventory software can automate many of the processes and strategies outlined below, saving time and reducing human mistakes. It is data-driven and gives real-time updates instead of manual techniques.

  • Stock control

Inventory management is a key step to guaranteeing your e-commerce firm has the proper stock levels to fulfill orders on time. The main purpose of inventory management is to maintain just the required units on hand without overpaying. Accurate inventory management reduces costs, improves warehousing, and pleases consumers.

  • Inventory movement

When a single fulfillment center isn’t enough, consider dispersed stock. Having many fulfillment centers allows you to better serve your clients, particularly if they are spread throughout the nation or you want to provide a 2-day ground shipment.

Consider inventory dispersal if you send many orders or if your items or shipments are hefty. Many 3PLs have many warehouses for rapid, low-cost shipment.


Using technology to understand your supply chain has never been more vital than in the era of ecommerce inventory tracking software and multi-channel selling. Modern companies may sell through physical stores, online stores, Amazon marketplaces, and social media.

The inventory figures must match if a product is bought via one channel. Brands benefit from inventory management tools and precise channel management.

Multi-Channel Listing Software for Small Business

Friday, April 8th, 2022

What is Multi-Channel Listing Software for Small Business? Define

Multichannel commerce is the secret ingredient to running a successful e-commerce business in a world that is constantly searching for ease.

As we’ve seen, succeeding in multichannel commerce may provide a variety of problems. Many of these difficulties are caused by similar flaws and may be resolved with multichannel listing software. So, in your search for the finest multichannel listing software, you may have discovered that there is a plethora of options available.

What makes a multichannel listing software For small business “good”? 

When searching through Multi-Channel Listing Software for Small Business, you should think about the characteristics that will make or break it.

At the very least, your tool should be able to control the following:

  1. The ability to track inventory so that you don’t run out of channels.
  2. When available, The capacity to reduce time when bringing products to market across several platforms.
  3. Capability to distribute consistent product information across all sales channels
  4. The capacity to reduce time when bringing products to market across several platforms.
  5. Real-time inventory visibility across different channels for quicker and more effective product management

Now, let’s look at the best solutions for small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs).

What are the functions of multi-channel listing software for small business?

What Does Multichannel Ecommerce Software Do?

You save time, money, and worry by using multi-channel listing software for small business. It allows you to work more efficiently across several channels (i.e., you won’t have to log into each channel separately for the same duties). It saves you the time and effort of recreating your job for each channel and manually reconciling inventory or sales statistics.

It is important to note that a multichannel system is not the same as an ERP. While both allow you to consolidate your operations, a multichannel system is built primarily for ecommerce and customer-facing sites. It is more agile, quicker to install, and more in tune with how ecommerce channels operate.

You may also select from a variety of solutions. Some just provide tools for a certain aspect of multichannel selling, such as inventory, listing, and/or order administration. Others provide a mix of these. The finest ones understand that in order for one component of your operations to perform successfully, it must work in tandem with everything else, and will thus offer integrations that keep all of your programmers linked.

  • Centralization

Is the system integrated with your primary sales channels? Keep in mind that certain platforms will not connect with every channel you sell on, so you must consider whether a channel is critical to your success. You’ll also want to see whether the platform can interact with overseas markets (if that’s a priority for you) and/or if it integrates with your WMS, OMS, or other critical apps.

  • Automation of Listings

One of the most significant advantages of multichannel software is the ability to avoid manually listing your items on each channel. Keep a watch out for software (particularly inexpensive software) that claims to automate listing but still requires a lot of human setup. Each channel has extremely precise listing requirements and a distinct taxonomy that vary on a regular basis, thus your platform must be able to adapt to their criteria both now and in the future.

  • Management of Change

Markets are always changing. Amazon, for example, adjusts its listing criteria on a regular basis to provide a better user experience for its consumers. This drives sellers to accept changes fast, even if it means pausing regular operations and manually changing their ASINs for weeks, in order to avoid severe fines. Your software provider should be used to dealing with such adjustments. Most service providers need weeks (if not months) to build new solutions (which usually still require manual work on your end). However, if they are anything like Zentail, they will have an automated system in place to deploy solutions faster and reduce the amount of labor on your plate.

  • Adheres to accounting standards and regulatory regulations.

Regardless of sector, rules and regulations generate problems for all businesses. Revenue recognition law changes have increased corporations’ need to recognize revenue consistently. Something that earlier on-premises systems were not designed to manage.

Now, ERP enables organizations to align with the regulatory landscape. Change is unavoidable; arm your company with the tools it needs to keep up with the unpredictability of the global economy.

  • Provides a consistent and accurate view of the business  to all organization

During a business’ initial growth, they often purchase software as a specific need arises. This creates silos of data and information across the company’s functions. With disparate systems, costly integrations are needed to access critical information easily. Add this to the internal battles over whose data set is more accurate and the decision-making process is significantly impeded.

Cloud ERP solutions provide accurate, real-time data that helps teams collaborate more effectively. Using real-time inventory data, sales and marketing can develop promotions for products that are actually in stock, leading to increased revenue and happier customers.

  • Promotes rapid response speeds

Companies that use heterogeneous systems rely on IT support to gather and create reports. Data collecting delays cause the information to be out of date by the time it reaches decision-makers.

for that, Many ERP vendors provide role-based dashboards, which provide employees with instant access to real-time data. Decisions are made more quickly, easily, and accurately.

  • Lowers operational risk

Cloud ERP integrates approval procedures into procurement, accounts payable, and other financial activities. This is supported with access control features based on user responsibilities, which ensures that data is accurate and in the hands of the right individuals.

  • Tracks unit economics, customer and project profitability

Unit economics helps firms assess the profitability potential of product lines and change appropriately by reviewing direct revenues and expenditures on a per-unit basis on a regular basis. Manufacturers struggle to effectively answer these questions and establish how many resources are dedicated to product X vs product Y without integrated systems—visible gaps that might harm profitability.

Companies that use cloud ERP have the visibility they need to identify whether goods have positive vs negative margins and can make company development and profitability estimates.

  • Helps companies scale and adapt

Companies that rely on spreadsheets or rudimentary accounting systems at first tend to outgrow them as they increase and add complexity. When these businesses build new sites, create subsidiaries, and/or begin dealing in other currencies, the demand for a more powerful enterprise system grows tremendously.

While smaller businesses may get by with rudimentary systems and spreadsheets, organizations who use cloud ERP not only enhance their present company management procedures, but they are also well positioned to scale up in the future.

Inventory synchronization

Your application should protect you against early stock outs or overselling by dynamically updating available amounts as sales are made. This means that if you make a sale on one channel, your other channels should be updated fairly immediately. Concurrent selling is also aided by inventory buffers. They ensure that when you’re down to your last few things, your item is only available for purchase through one channel. All other channels will be turned off to avoid overselling.

Automation of Workflow

What activities use the most of your time? What would you prefer to do with your free time? What is blocking your business from expanding? Your passport to better success should be multichannel ecommerce software. Workflow automation may encompass a wide variety of operations, but some of the most typical include the capacity to plan and automate promotions, make mass changes to a large library, and address listing difficulties quickly.

The User Interface (UI)

How many clicks do you need to do fundamental platform functions? Is the platform easy to use, or will you have to spend a lot of time training new team members? Cute Phrases According to Elon Musk “Error equals all user input.” You’ll want to ensure that your platform takes as few user activities as feasible.


One of the most underappreciated needs of a strong software partner. Customer service, on the other hand, should never be an afterthought; each year, many vendors abandon their platforms due to bad assistance. Check to determine if your software provider’s support team is easily accessible. Is there a direct connection to their customer service team? Or are they attempting to conceal that information?

Key Features

Keep an eye out for these essential qualities as you search for a solution that fulfils your requirements. Some may take precedence over others; make a list ahead of time so that you can thoroughly examine your alternatives.


ERP Gold with Cloud Interphase is a contemporary business solution that offers flexibility, real-time visibility, a wide range of functionality for diverse distributor micro-verticals, and easy connection with numerous market-leading apps. Download the ERP Gold trial to understand more about what ERP Gold Distribution Edition can give you especially, and we also have a mobile application that is easily available on Google Play. Have fun surfing.


How to Start Selling On Ebay| Beginner Guide

Thursday, March 31st, 2022


eBay is the place to go if you want to sell stuff. If you have products that are no longer needed or wanted, just let eBay know about it and they will put them in the hands of people who can use them. They also have a large selection of marketplaces for electronics, clothing, hardware, and much more.

While eBay started as an auction-based marketplace for secondhand products and collectibles, it has gradually evolved into a fixed-price marketplace. It’s also a terrific location to sell brand-new items.

Indeed, fixed-price or “Buy It Now” ads account for 90% of eBay’s Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV), illustrating its tremendous transition away from its auction market beginnings.

The beauty of eBay is the universe of possibilities available to sellers: you may post products at set or auction pricing, use your own product photographs, add your own descriptions, and sell (almost) anything.

Should you lose your items on eBay?

Anyone may quickly create a seller account and begin selling on eBay, which is most likely why there are around 17 million eBay sellers!It’s very simple to get started as an eBay seller. You may establish an account, list a product, and sell it on the same day.If you have outdated items lying around the house, selling them on eBay may be a simple way to get rid of them while generating some money.

Your amount of success on eBay is entirely up to you; what began as a decluttering project might easily evolve into a constant side hustle or perhaps totally replace your existing income. If you currently sell on Amazon, you should be aware of the following important differences between selling on Amazon and eBay:

  • Instead of fighting for the Buy Box on a single listing for a popular product, each eBay seller may design their own unique listing.
  • eBay provides merchants with more extensive listing optimization than Amazon does.

Step 1: The Fundamentals Of eBay selling

Selling on eBay is straightforward: the seller posts the item, the client purchases it, and the order is completed. We’ll go through what this all implies in general in this stage.

The beauty of selling on eBay is that you can start small. Look around your house for anything that is accumulating dust—everyone has outdated gadgets, books, or toys collecting dust. Product sourcing involves almost little upfront expenditure.

After selling unwanted goods from their homes, eBay entrepreneurs are often bitten by the e-commerce bug and want to launch full-fledged eCommerce enterprises.

Learning the fundamentals of what to sell on eBay early on may help turn a new eBay business into a reliable additional revenue stream or perhaps a major source of income.

Are you still persuaded that you need to launch an eBay business? If not, let’s go through some of eBay’s most frequent business models (i.e., what to sell).

eBay is well-known for being one of the finest locations to find odd stuff. It has since developed, and 79 percent of all things sold on eBay’s 1.5 billion current active listings are brand-new stuff.

Step 2: How to create an eBay Seller Account

  1. Signing up to sell on eBay is a simple procedure. Your company might be up and operating in an hour!
  2. Go to the Create an Account page and fill out the required sections with your name and email address. After that, you’ll establish a password for your account.
  3. After clicking “Create an account,” you’ll be sent to the eBay site to be logged in to your new account. EBay will generate a username for you, but you may alter it under the “My eBay” area by clicking on “Account,” then “Personal Info.”
  4. Add your bank account before creating listings, so you know where the money from your product sales will go.

Include a payment method.

By adding your checking account, you will be able to collect payment from client purchases on your desired payout schedule.

  1. Find the “My eBay” dropdown menu in the top right corner of the eBay main page and select “Selling.”
  2. Then, choose “Account.”
  3. You’ll find “Payment choices” under “Payments.” Fill in the details for the bank account where you want to receive money from eBay sales.
  4. Please keep in mind that eBay sellers were previously compensated using PayPal.
  5. On the other hand, eBay has declared that it will no longer accept PayPal as a payment method by the end of 2020. Instead, eBay adopted its own payment method, Managed Payments, which transfers funds directly to sellers’ bank accounts.
  6. eBay automatically deducts the selling fees from your sales revenues when you use Managed Payments before the distribution.
  7. Step three: Begin selling! It’s that simple—you’re now ready to post your products for sale on eBay.

Step 3: Conduct Product Research

On eBay, you can sell almost anything. You may already have an idea of what to offer or want some inspiration, whether you’re rummaging through your own garage for odds and ends or fantasizing about selling private-label goods. You’ll need to conduct some product research to determine which things are lucrative and at what pricing.

You should not sell just anything on eBay. If you truly want to be successful, you must first assess your product ideas for profitability, demand, and competition before listing them. You’ll be able to assure a return on your investment this way.

We’ll go through lucrative product concepts, how eBay fees affect profitability, how to assess demand and other product research requirements in this stage.

Step 4: Where can I get things to sell on eBay?

With so many various business models to select from, sourcing things for eBay may differ from sourcing products for Amazon.

Alibaba is a great place to find things from China.

Selling your own brand or private label product is a tried and true way to succeed on Amazon, and it also provides an excellent chance on eBay.

The private label strategy has the following advantages:

  • You may build your own brand and product.
  • High-quality pictures and a compelling description may help you stand out from the crowd.
  • You can save money by getting your items from sources outside the United States.

Check out our new How to Sell on Amazon guide for an in-depth explanation on establishing and sourcing a private label product.

Locate things to resale at retail stores.

A traditional eBay business plan is purchasing and reselling things from Walmart, Target, or your local grocery shop. Retail arbitrage may be profitable if you are consistent and know what to search for.

Product research for retail arbitrage is simple—you can do it while you’re out shopping.

  • Look for items in the clearance section, toy aisles, and electronics department—these sell well on eBay and can have significant profit margins depending on demand (more on this below).
  • Scan barcodes using your phone’s eBay app to identify which goods have high sell-through percentages.
  • To analyze the profitability of proposed items, use the Salecalc tool indicated in Step 3. Remember that you may charge clients for shipping to increase your profit margin.

Step 5: Listing and shipping your things

You can post goods on eBay in minutes—even on your phone. This also simplifies submitting product images since you can just choose them from your camera roll.

Using the skateboard as an example, I’ll demonstrate how to list an item using the eBay app.

How to List Your Products on eBay

Click on the first listing in the “Sold Item”-filtered search results.

Select “Sell One Like This.”

This takes you to the Listing Summary page. Essentially, you will have made a copy of the successful listing to utilize for your goods. Although eBay will auto-populate much of the product information, you should still double-check your listing to ensure it is as comprehensive as possible. Because the product has been used, ensure that its condition is appropriately reported.

I recommend that you change the title and description to don’t replicate the other seller word for word. Include any relevant keywords that clients are likely to search for while looking for your goods.

You need to measure and input your own weight and measurements for correct delivery charges.

Do not use another seller’s photographs—replace any copied images with yours. Take your product shots in decent lighting and catch every angle—customers will want to check the item thoroughly.

You will be able to pick between “Auction” and “Buy It Now” prices. “Buy It Now” is typically the best approach to lock in your desired price for most things. Accepting consumer proposals on your goods is an option if you’re ready to go lower.

Final Thought

Now that you understand the fundamentals of sourcing and selling things on eBay.

You are not required to visit all of the product-seeking stores. Do some internet study at home first, so you know what to look for in-store.

You may utilize a website called to find local and online goods offers that you can use with eBay. You can search Brick Seek by zip code, even down to particular shop inventory—just keep in mind that it isn’t always 100 percent accurate.

What is Ecommerce ERP, and how does it work?

Wednesday, February 16th, 2022

The eCommerce ERP software is an online system that is made specifically for the management of online stores. This software makes it easy to manage your inventory, orders and payments, while also providing a means to communicate with your customers through various channels.

You have one aim, whether you’re a business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), or direct-to-consumer (D2C) eCommerce store. However, when your company grows, the complexity of your operations grows as well. Where formerly ERP Gold could handle your accounting, Salesforce could take your CRM, and ERP could handle your inventory management, you now expect more than these disconnected, compartmentalized platforms can provide. However, before that we need to know what ERP is to have an idea about it.

What is ERP . . . ?

Enterprise Resource Planning is the abbreviation for Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP software is a collection of powerful and strategic business process management technologies that may manage data inside a firm. While every company and organization operating today is unique, they all face the same fundamental challenge: they need a reliable and effective way to store and access information to remain successful in today’s commercial environment. ERP systems come into play in this situation. ERP systems integrate all aspects of a business into a single, comprehensive information system that anyone within the firm can access.

With the right ERP software in place, business owners and executives can automate and streamline back-office activities, assist employees in becoming more productive and successful, and gain real-time visibility into their operations.

You need systems in place that allow you to efficiently simplify, automate, and expand to compete in today’s more competitive and challenging business climate. This resource will guide you through selecting, implementing, and maintaining an ERP system for your business.

ecommerce erp

ERP and eCommerce Integration Fundamentals

To grasp how an ERP and eCommerce relationship works, start with eCommerce logistics, which includes accepting and delivering orders, processing payments, handling returns, managing inventory, ensuring security, calculating taxes, tracking financials, and providing customer support. These become more difficult to balance when your little business (maybe begun in your garage) expands into a full-fledged operation with a warehouse (or two, or three), a shipping fleet, and a large workforce.
Combining ERP with contemporary eCommerce technology may be done in a few ways. You may use the API of the eCommerce solution on your own, which gives you complete customization but also puts you in charge of the Integration.

You might also use an ERP system that has a built-in eCommerce link. The most flexible and future-proof option is likely an ERP with native connections, such as the Acumatica-BigCommerce Connector. The ERP company created the native interface with the eCommerce system, exposing as much of the ERP as the API allows. When “abnormal” business situations arise (which they will), the Integration is flexible enough to meet the marketplace’s ever-changing expectations.
What Are ERP Features Critical for Ecommerce Companies?

When your eCommerce company is ready to connect your eCommerce platform with an ERP system, there are a few key traits to look for in an ERP system.

1. QuickView of Book Of Accounts
While ERP Gold can handle your general ledger (GL), accounts payable (AP), and accounts receivable (AR), a cloud ERP system can handle those tasks while also providing real-time eCommerce updates. When a sale from an eCommerce site is entered into your ERP system, it appears in the sales order right away and is updated across all of your financial records, and the money is considered income as soon as it passes through.
In addition, an ERP system examines your finances, inventories, customers (including relationships and prospective), and sales. When you connect your eCommerce platform to your ERP, it extends the auditing system.

2. Customer relationship management.

CRM integrated with your ERP system, and your eCommerce system is a win-win-win situation.
A successful eCommerce company needs a consistent system for handling leads, contacts, prospects, and customer accounts and the ability to track what’s going on at each stage of the sales cycle. To put it another way, you’ll need a CRM system that’s appropriately connected and gives every department access to real-time, synchronized data from a single source.
Building a customer database within the integrated solutions allows you to easily reach out to your customers with offers like sales, discounts, and special promotions; these promotions are designed within the eCommerce platform, and the ERP system understands what it’s receiving and keeps track of it for later reporting.

Additionally, eCommerce ERP and CRM combination create an ERP commerce environment. Regardless of how customers buy your products, your unified CRM will associate each order with the appropriate consumer. It provides a 360-degree view of how your customers have interacted with you in the past and how they are doing

3. Inventory management.
Inventory tracking becomes increasingly difficult as a firm grows. You’ll need to know where your things are, and your customers will want to know if the item is available. This information may be delivered to everyone via an integrated ERP solution. Whether the goods are at a warehouse, divided across warehouses, or in transit, it allows for precise, real-time access to available inventory. You also have access to reorder quantities and inventory pricing.
It is no longer necessary to log in to many systems to receive the answer; the procedure is automated, and manual errors are reduced (or eliminated) (or eliminated).

4. Management of Shipping, Distribution, and Warehouses.
An integrated eCommerce ERP system, like inventory management, is the most accurate and effective way to handle your shipping, distribution, and warehouse management demands.
The distribution process includes wave and batch selection, packaging, PO receiving, putting away, transferring, and physical counting. These jobs get mechanized using ERP. EDI compliance is maintained by third-party EDI software, and warehouse staff can use phones or tablets to do their duties. The lot and serial number monitoring prevent mistakes, and third-party EDI software manages EDI compliance.

5. Information Management for Products.
Because you sell things to customers in various ways, having your product information centralized in an eCommerce ERP system is critical. This information might pertain to your vendors, product price, and customer-specific pricing, as well as possible product alternatives. Having all of your information in one place makes sending it to different places easier.
In essence, you’ve got a content management system. If you sell on several websites, for example, it can assist you to distinguish different audiences and broadcast information tailored to each.

Top Reasons to Integrate Your eCommerce with Your ERP

A better online experience, pricing management, access to important data, increased productivity, and process visibility is just some of the benefits of choosing an ERP solution based on the factors listed above.

However, It’s a well-known fact that eCommerce has grown more vital for retail businesses worldwide. Not only does having a solid online presence influence online sales, but it also influences offline purchases. However, maintaining inventory and storage for both online and offline businesses can be a difficult task. When you choose an ERP solution, you get a backend that brings all your sales channels together under one management system. below are reasons to integrate ERP with E-commerce system.

1. Reduces Data Redundancy, Human Involvement, and Error: Payment and shipping information, online orders, and web customer details are all incorporated into the ERP system with the Integration of an e-commerce storefront. It also aids in the uploading of item and inventory data from ERP to the e-commerce platform. In any case, the Integration aids in reducing the need for re-entry of data. As a result, data duplication, human engagement, and inaccuracy are reduced.

2. Lowers Operation Costs: Real-time data from the ERP system is available on the storefront, allowing customers to track order progress, available inventory, and shipments with tracking numbers. With automated data inputs, errors, rework, and order backfires can all be avoided. All of these advantages contribute to decreased operational costs.

3. Boosts Internal Productivity: Integrated systems play a crucial role in streamlining various organizational activities. This has reduced the involvement of human resources in the procedures. The web sales orders are linked to the ERP system in real-time, allowing a back-office ERP user to track the order and begin processing immediately. As a result, Integration shortens the order fulfillment process.

4. Lowers Inventory Costs: sAll information about web sales is instantaneously available in your ERP system. The ERP item inventory will be updated based on these online transactions. With an up-to-date list and online sales information, an ERP user can plan the purchase appropriately, decreasing inventory costs.

5. Boosts Customer Satisfaction: The ability to get up-to-date product information, order tracking information, and inventory availability information via an ERP system increase a customer’s satisfaction level.

6. Generates Financial Reports in ERP: E-commerce systems generate financial reports. The company may develop trial balance, balance sheet, cash flow, and P/L Statements by integrating e-commerce with ERP, providing vital financial information clarity.

7. Gaining Better Control of Your Business: Integrating an e-commerce site with an ERP system helps business owners better control their operations, resulting in competitive advantages.

8. Management of Product and Its Pricing.
Like product information management, product and its pricing management refers to the capacity to control product and its pricing inside an ERP system. You have the option of tailoring your response to different types of customers. In B2B, for example, if customer number one has negotiated price but customer number two, a new client, has not, you may send the appropriate data to the eCommerce platform. You may also set up access rights for certain customers to your product (e.g., customer one has 100 percent access and customer two has 80 percent ). (For example, client one has complete access, but customer two only has 80%).

ERP Gold provides multi-channel inventory management software that integrates directly with your eCommerce platform, so you don’t have to worry about manually entering data or creating spreadsheets. This saves time and ensures accuracy. With ERP Gold, you can track your inventory from anywhere, from the office to your warehouse to a customer-facing sales counter. And because it integrates with your eCommerce platform, you can update stock levels on the fly, so you never run out of products to sell.


How to Choose B2B Ecommerce Platform? Features And Factors!

Friday, February 11th, 2022

The business-to-business (B2B) landscape is gradually evolving away from the more conventional offline sector, with more enterprises joining the eCommerce bandwagon.

To give the right products to your clients — while also personalizing their experience to your brand — you need to select the best eCommerce platform that’s right for your firm. So, below are the highlighted key considerations for B2B E-commerce platform.

Must-Have Features Before Choosing E-commerce Platform

While each of the eCommerce systems we’ll be discussing differ in many ways, they also have a lot in common. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the most crucial characteristics of B2B e-commerce software and platforms.

1. Access restriction settings.

Let’s face it: B2B e-commerce firms are a bit more sophisticated than B2C eCommerce businesses. Due to the intricacies and rules typically connected with selling to other companies, you need to adjust your eCommerce platform to solve for varying buyer experiences, depending on the user.

Because of this, your eCommerce software of choice should provide you the flexibility to grant or restrict access to certain areas of your site on an individual basis.

For example, you may want to:

• Hide your bulk pricing from your B2C customers.

• Hide pricing altogether (for various reasons) (for a variety of reasons).

• Hide your B2B site altogether from non-registered members.

The decision as to how to employ these possibilities is up to you and requires looking at your B2B buyers’ experience and your variety in clients and items. You only need to make sure the B2B eCommerce software you chose allows you to make these decisions in the first place — otherwise, you’ll run into challenges while trying to build out these paths in the future.

2. Pricing, payment, and ordering customization and choices.

B2B enterprises are frequently built of several moving pieces. Between customer management tools, fulfillment centers, and punchout catalogs, there are a lot of different systems that need to work together to build unified order management and customization system.

You need to guarantee your B2B eCommerce platform enables transactional alternatives in one unified solution. Many tools that don’t work together may result in disorganization, confusion, and potential problems with inventory management and order fulfillment. This is particularly essential if you are a hybrid organization offering both B2C and wholesale channels — as reducing channel conflict and management are pivotal to all elements of your business.

Additionally, you could want to provide your best clients additional delivery options, again depending on their tier, geography, or some other aspect. It’s advisable to go through any B2B features you may need to be available before diving into putting an eCommerce platform into your shop.

3. Heavy attention on user/customer experience.

Whenever organizations decide to establish an eCommerce website, one thing is the most vital (apart from sales), and that’s the experience visitors get when they visit your website.

You want your brand to resonate with your b2b consumers, and the user experience and user interface (UX/UI) of your site have to make your clients’ experience with your brand more rewarding and joyful. For example, you could automate your eCommerce product videos to make videos in volume. Videos are more aesthetically engaging than text, and alongside increasing user experience, you are likely to enjoy increased conversions by scaling your volume of creatives.

As more and more B2B firms move towards an expanded UX/UI with optimization options, your best bet is to choose a platform that offers all the personalization options you need for now AND in the future.

  • That said, you want to select a platform that enables you to construct an eCommerce site that’s:
  • • Easy-to-use and logically built templates.
  • • Customizable and brandable.
  • • Responsive on many devices.
  • • Easy to add tools to — like lead capture forms, personalization plug-ins, and incentives programs.

• Factors to Think About Before Selecting a B2B Ecommerce Platform

In addition to the customer-facing considerations, we outlined above, you also need to examine how your choice of B2B eCommerce platform will affect your firm.

1. Use of platform and software.

First of all, your team’s ability to use your selected platform hinges on a few things:

  • • The platform’s user interface.
  • • The level of knowledge required to fully utilize the platform.
  • • Your team’s expertise, competencies, and bandwidth.

As we’ll see in a moment, each platform is suited to users with a unique level of coding and developer knowledge.

And, of course, each platform’s interface differs in various ways.

The fact is, most platforms and b2b eCommerce tools aren’t intended for everyone; they’re not supposed to be. That’s why it’s vital to pick not “the best” platform but the platform that your team will utilize best.

2: Business implications.

Of course, we can’t dismiss the fact that your choice of a B2B eCommerce platform will have a significant impact on your entire business. Your first order of business, here, should be to answer the following question:

Why do you need an eCommerce site?

1. Do you want to recruit new customers?
2. Trying to build your relationship with your current clients?
3. Do both?
4. Do more?

Whatever the situation may be, keep your goals in the front of your mind, and select the platform that will best allow you to realize them. In addition, look two, five, and ten years into the future.

What tools do you foresee requiring as you continue to grow? You want an e-commerce platform that will fulfill the aims of your business now and your business as it evolves.

3: Cost of the platform.

By “cost,” here, we mean not only the monetary cost (although that is, of course, quite essential) but also the internal cost of getting the site up and operating, maintaining it, etc.

While on-premise solutions offer an exceptional amount of customization, they also require full-time developers to go through the numerous subtleties of the buildout.

In addition, an on-premise solution carries the weight of security and compliance, which may get pricey as well.

While putting together “just any” eCommerce site isn’t all that tough, managing a fully-functional one demands a ton of attention from your team, especially if you choose a platform that requires a substantial amount of custom work.

This goes back to ease of usage. The easier it is for you to modify your site, the better the platform is for business.

How does ERP Gold work for Multichannel Management?

ERP Gold is a unified platform for all your online marketers, wholesalers, retailers and connects their Market Places and e-commerce platforms (i.e. Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Shopify, Magento and Woo Commerce) together.
ERP Gold multi-channel selling software allows you to keep your stock organized as well as keep records of what items are being packaged, picked or shipped out in real-time. ERP Gold multi-channel ERP software Manages recurring reorders, easily view purchase history and generate reports in no time.

ERP Gold provides an all in one multi-channels inventory, sales and shipping solution. Our multichannel management system supports all popular online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Wal-Mart. Our customized and low-cost multichannel solution provides easy and quick integration with Amazon, eBay & Wal-Mart. This allows for easy exchange of data, improved customer service, and efficient strategic decision-making.
Multi-Channel ERP Software helps you to boost the number of sales orders in online purchasing and engage more potential clients.