Archive for the ‘Business’ Category

How to stand out in Email Marketing between a herd of Emails

Thursday, February 21st, 2019

stand out custom email marketing software

In the times where attention spans are shorter and people wish to see only the most relevant information about their own interests, it is getting harder to get the attention of the customer without a stand out email marketing campaign. There are options available to use, such as social media, search engines, etc. but the cost against the return that is earned is definitely lower than email marketing.


How to enhance Lead Generation by Integrating QuickBooks in ERP Software

Monday, January 7th, 2019

5000 Free Leads for QuickBooks Users

Lead Generation, one of the most important fields of business generation these days. Some companies hire staff to do it, some outsource this to service providers. It is present in many forms in all kinds of businesses. But, the largest chunk of your assets in a company is its Financial Data. (more…)

ERP Gold solves Your Financial Matters

Thursday, February 9th, 2017

Financial Services from Erp Gold

ERP software for the professional services industry, facilitates to greater levels of employee interaction and collaboration, while significantly reducing the manual tasks associated with project management, project accounting and invoicing.

These are some important financial services that are offered by ERP Gold:

Financial Services from ERP Gold


ERP Gold solves Accounting and Financial Needs

Thursday, February 9th, 2017


ERP software consolidates your all business operations into one uniform environment. ERP accounting and financial deliver a competitive edge to manufacturers through flexible, comprehensive controls and real-time management reporting for enterprise operations.

Enterprise Resource Planning solutions are designed to fit your industry, company size, and budget with built-in flexibility and visibility across your business.


ERP Systems For Healthcare Units

Thursday, February 9th, 2017


Now a day, to deliver automated, quick and efficient services to patients’ healthcare units relies on integrated software systems like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Without a knowledge-based software solution such as ERP in place, hospitals would not be able to run efficiently. Though Human work force like doctors, nurses and other staff look after their patient with great care and concern but even highly educated clinicians to require the right infrastructure to perform well. (more…)