Archive for the ‘Business’ Category

Why to align your Company with Business Intelligence Solutions ?

Monday, December 5th, 2016

Why to align your Company with Business Intelligence Solutions?

Business intelligence is a now a known term associated with large organizations. If you are hesitating for investing in Business Intelligence Software let me tell you How to justify that your business setup needs such a tool. The question arises how do you come to know you need a BI Tool??

  • Huge Data , But no Information

Organizations collect a huge mass of data but not all the data can provide useful information. Information is something extracted from raw data that has meaningful context prepared for bystanders to yield insights. (more…)

Apple has Looked at Doing an Entire Car, Now what?

Saturday, December 3rd, 2016

ERP Gold

This is going to be a big shift in Apple’s dream project about Cars. what apple announce recently in a letter to NHTSA is a rare glimpse of what is going on actually. According to Wall Street Journal news article published on Dec 3rd, 2016,

“Apple has looked at doing an entire car, but more recently its focus has narrowed to developing an autonomous-driving system and software. Focusing on software is more in line with the company’s historic expertise and fits its efforts to improve machine-learning capabilities that allow computers to adjust their behavior without being explicitly programmed.” 

My take on this is about the words, ” Historic Expertise“, prominent car manufacturers has historic expertise another way around. we know for the fact that these manufacturers have been investing heavily on another side of the technology which is mostly IT related. (more…)

Things you need to know about Trust Accounting

Tuesday, November 29th, 2016


I hope you are working with more than one client for your firm’s sake. Well, to run a successful practice it is necessary to work with more than one client but when it comes to trust accounting it creates confusion.

To satisfy your legal and business requirement on the behalf of your clients you need a solution. I have already told you about Trust Accounts in detail. But again, let have a little idea about the trust accounts. (more…)

How to Improve Sales for your Small Business?

Tuesday, November 29th, 2016


How to Improve Sales? What are the business strategies to increase sales? No matter how low your budget is there is always ways to increase your sales. But to increase your sales with a limited budget could be a little tricky.

Don’t worry! Go through these few tips of mine and you will learn some ways to increase your sales while keeping your dollars under control.

Enhance your Visibility

Customers must know that your company exists in the market. So, first of all, you need to focus on increasing your visibility. Go for low-budget small advertisement in a newspaper or local magazines. (more…)

6 Best Tips for ERP Implementation

Monday, November 28th, 2016


What are the successful erp implementation examples? Switching to a standard ERP centered on a number of enthralling reasons. Having a single system rather than several different systems business can enjoy a breeze of comfort and ease.

A single dashboard integrated with all the required functions enterprise can streamline its operations. Easy access to the meaningful information and best practice of strategies and procedures business can greatly boost efficiency.

Challenges for ERP implementation

Due to disruptive nature of this project, it is very challenging to implement a fully functional ERP system. Many activities required extensive testing and validation to make it work according to proper expectations.  (more…)