Archive for the ‘Business’ Category


Wednesday, December 14th, 2016

Account Manager

An account management or manager is a person who works for a company and is responsible for the management of sales, and relationships with particular customers. An account manager maintains the company’s existing relationships with a client or group of clients so that they will continue using the company for business.

So, Following are some important tips for successful account management in today’s busy business world. (more…)

How to Write a Compelling Google Ad?

Friday, December 9th, 2016

How to Write a Compelling Google Ad

Writing ads is the critical point in your advertisement campaign. A good ad will not allow people to click on it by mistake.

Let me tell you that why a compelling Google Ad is so important and how to write the ads that will bring you to achieve your targeted goal through a high click. It actually works!! and that’s why I am going to share some important best practices for writing your ad texts. (more…)

Employee TimeSheet

Thursday, December 8th, 2016

Employee TimeSheet - ERP Gold

It is an entry form for recording the amount of worker’s time spent on each job. Traditionally it was available in tabular format. But in this era, timesheet is now often in digital document or spreadsheet. It is beneficial for the small and large scale of businesses as well.

 Normally, timesheets are weekly and sometimes they show all the days of a pay period. Totals are often shown at the bottom of each daily column, and weekly totals are shown below those. Pay period hours may also be displayed, where the expected numbers of an hour are compared with actuals. Good timesheets may make life simple for both companies and employees.        (more…)

Why Marketing KPIs are important?

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

Why Marketing KPIs are important?

Just imagine that you reach at your workplace and your executive team calls a meeting to report on your marketing efforts. What measure would you give them?

Calm down! Do not panic. It was just an imagination.

To be always prepared for this inquiry learns how to set to measure and demonstrate the efficiency of your campaigns through this article. I will discuss with you some of marketing KPIs that will help you to keep your strategy on track. (more…)

Why CRM is so crucial for your Business?

Monday, December 5th, 2016


Don’t use a CRM? Well, then you might be not fully aware of its amazing benefits.

Customers Relationship Management (CRM) is a software application designed to streamline your business process by tracking interactions with prospects and potential customers.

Regardless of the size and development, every business needs an effective tool to manage its customers. Implementing a CRM might take considerable time and money, yet its ROI is the countless and long term.

Here are some key benefits that will make you think you are missing something important for your business. (more…)