Archive for the ‘Business’ Category

Guide To Choose Top Warehouse Management Software Vendors

Monday, April 25th, 2022

Define Warehouse Management Software (WMS)

Before discussing how to choose top warehouse management software vendors, we need to know what warehouse management software is!! A warehouse management system (WMS) is software that allows a company to see its full inventory and manage supply chain fulfillment activities from the distribution center to the retail shelf. Warehouse Management (WMS) systems may also help businesses make the most of their labor, space, and equipment expenditures by coordinating and optimizing resource utilization and material movement.

How to choose WMS vendors

Before using a WMS, be sure you will get substantial business advantages. The key “costs” are the motivation, excitement, and commitment required from the whole top warehouse management software vendors team and senior management to ensure the system is set up effectively, operated appropriately, and optimized consistently.

A WMS is more than an inventory control system and data collecting tool. It is a system that helps automate warehouse activities.

Here are 6 points help you pick the best WMS for your warehouse business.

  • Calculate ROI (ROI)

By prioritizing functional requirements above aesthetic considerations, the justification process aids in project budgeting and supplier selection.

A WMS may increase stock accuracy by decreasing mistakes, giving real-time information, and allowing perpetual inventory counting.

  • Understand the Pricing Methods
    • Licenses. The system’s software licenses are normally purchased by the end user (PC or radio data terminal). Instead of buying the equipment entirely, some sellers now allow you to pay per transaction or monthly.
    • Professional services are project management, training, and post-launch support charges.
    • Development expenditures encompass non-packaged needs such third-party system interfaces.
    • Support expenditures are often dependent on yearly license and development fees. Service breadth and pricing vary greatly amongst suppliers.
  • Know and Analyze Your Current Systems

Analyze your existing WMS system if you have one. Whether you use a paper system or an automated system, know what your system provides and what you still need. The system you choose should be extremely adjustable and should function in practically any warehouse scenario. The same care is taken in selecting this system as any other, but in most cases, the lack of capabilities is offset by the reduced chance of systems not connecting consistently and precisely.

  • Assess each vendor’s capacity to develop in-house

Everyone’s processes are different and unique to them.  When looking at each potential vendors, keep in mind each system probably won’t do everything the same but does it do the important tasks?  With most off-the shelf warehouse packages, in-house development is unusual. Therefore, understanding if in-house development is needed is critical

For highly specific needs, or for connection with existing in-house systems, in-house development is occasionally feasible.

  • Prepare a RFI (Request for Information)

The more the potential vendor knows about your business and future, the better the system will be.  Describe your company, future business orientation, warehouse, and warehouse plans. Also, define your WMS goals in general terms.

Your RFI should list what system functionalities are a priority:

  • Digitalization
  • Receiving and Stocking
  • Storage and Inventory Management
  • Life Cycle Tracking
  • Order Management and Fulfillment
  • Vendor Compliance
  • Integration with Existing Systems
  • Packing and Printing
  • Shipping
  • Document Creation
  • Narrow Your List of Potential Vendors

Now that you know what you want, you know what your budget is and what functionality is most important, use these criteria to narrow down the possible vendors. And the last step is to arrange a meeting with each of the vendors. This will give you an idea of how professional they are, how attentive they are to your requirements, and how effectively they answer your inquiries.

Key qualities of your warehouse management software

A good warehouse management system delivers value to your organization on a daily and long-term basis. The warehouse solution you choose should decrease supply chain costs, but increase customer happiness, and profitability.

Most warehouse management systems have five key features: functionality, flexibility, integration, scalability, and ROI.


An effective warehouse management system is strong and should provide the majority if not all the functionality you are looking for.  Examine your warehousing solution’s components. What works well? What causes issues (inventory, labor, communication, etc.)?


A warehouse management system must be flexible. Your company’s storage requirements and overall need will grow and change over time, necessitating an adaptable solution.


Planning ahead is critical in business whether you are talking about short-term or long-term goals. You must know your direction and how you plan to achieve them.

The system you choose must also be able to stay up with your company projections and objectives.


Choosing the warehouse solutions for your company must be based on ROI.  If the warehouse system has all the attributes but is going to cost you, is it worth it in the end?

In Conclusion

Warehouse Management Software is software that allows a company to see its full inventory and manage supply chain fulfillment activities from the distribution center to the retail shelf.  It is one of the more important systems in your facility.  When choosing a vendor to provide the software, there are several things to keep in mind.  Make sure you understand your current system.  Based on your current system, decide the attributes and functionalities that you need.  When looking at various vendors, make sure they offer the flexibility and growth potential that you need.  And lastly, make sure the system you decide on fits in your current budget and won’t break the bank in the future based on customizations you may need.

ERP Gold’s warehouse and inventory management software offers an industry-leading solution that streamlines your business and the processes within.  To explore how ERP Gold can assist you, click HERE.  You can also call us at 888.334.4472 for a FREE consultation.  If you want us to call YOU, fill out our contact form HERE.  You can also schedule a free consultation or demonstration of our software, by clicking HERE.

How to Choose Factory Stock Management Software

Monday, April 25th, 2022


Define Factory Stock Management Software

As a business owner, you use a Factory stock management software (or Factory stock system) to make sure that you keep track of all the goods you buy, make, and sell. It tells you how to handle Factory stock for your business.

Tips to Choose Factory stock management software

Various software manufacturers create  this program to assist small and big businesses automate Factory stock management and increase company productivity. Managing Factory stock demands discipline and forethought, therefore picking a Factory stock management system is critical.

Data collection errors such as depreciation, inefficient purchases, inadequate stock, and order fulfillment delays may cause serious concerns. Handling Factory stock manually causes these issues. This program can regulate warehouse management and supply chain management in numerous controlled warehouses with little human error.

Automatically reducing or eliminating human mistakes I’m writing this piece for all those company owners searching for an automated Factory stock solution. Here are some things to consider while purchasing Factory stock management software for your business.

  • Your Needs

Before buying an Factory stock management system, you must first evaluate your needs. Next, identify your Factory stock management concerns and desired solutions.

Consider. Do I want to be able to track shipments? Do I need to monitor Factory stock? Providing the vendor with detailed criteria will speed up the process.

  • Software Cost

The cost of the program depends on your needs. First, determine the market pricing of the program to determine if the vendor’s price is reasonable.

Before investing in Factory stock management software, be sure your company finances are steady. Is it the perfect moment to invest in technology?

With cloud-based software solutions, organizations can now afford to deploy Factory stock management systems. Thus, cloud-based software is ideal for startups, SMEs, and small businesses.

  • Customization

If your requirements are complicated, you may need to tailor your Factory stock management system. Ask the seller whether the program that can be customized to your requirements. The new system should be readily integrated with the previous system if you already have one.

  • Usability

Usability impacts how well an Factory stock management system is used in your firm. If your team has to spend hours learning the program, it is generally not worth purchasing. Remember that you are seeking for an easy-to-use solution to assist you streamline your Factory stock management.

  • Other System Integrations

You may not have considered connecting your Factory stock management software with additional tools, but you may need them as your firm grows. Moreover, Factory stock management is intertwined with other company functions. Nowadays, most firms employ many software tools to streamline their operations. ERP software is one of the most comprehensive options.

An ERP system can simply manage several company branches by automatically recording transactions. Much of a company’s operations may be automated with ERP software. This corporate management software may also aid decision making.

  • Adaptability

Another factor to consider while selecting a Factory stock management software is flexibility. Find out whether the program you’re considering works on mobile devices, how many people it supports, and so on. Flexibility is important, particularly if you have many storefronts or warehouses.

  • The Support after Choosing a Factory Stock Management System

You don’t want to be left alone to figure it out. You anticipate speedy answers when you can’t discover your buy transactions or your team can’t put up low-level stock alerts. So, ensure you have full support from your seller, including training, warranty, and help.

Functions of Factory Stock Management Software

Making your Factory stock correct may impact your company and help you minimize expenses by effortlessly managing your supply chain.

You may use the Factory stock management system to keep track of sales and delivery.

Ten features of Factory stock Management Software:

The Factory stock management software allows us to automate everyday manual activities, resulting in increased production and efficiency. This will help you enhance your company’s development.

The program allows you to print shipping labels, handle and send orders, manage inventories, and create and update listings on the system.

    • Avoid Stock-outs and Over-stock: Keeping track of stocks and managing them is a tough undertaking. Less stock leads to stock-outs, which disturb customer relations and could cause loss, while over-stock causes storage issues.The program may establish a reorder limit so that when stock becomes low, it is automatically reordered.
  • Quality Control: The program may discover and monitor problems that cause shipping delays or damaged products. The already provided data gives quality management assistance.
  • Easy to Use Software: The program simplifies Factory stock management, saving money and time. It helps automate corporate operations and make better judgments.
  • Increased Profitability: The program helps maximize corporate investment. It boosts earnings via marketing and manufacturing. The software’s capacity to automatically manage inventories raises the chance of jobs being completed efficiently and precisely.

That includes maintaining stock and updating listings across all channels. Then processing orders will minimize costs and enhance profits.

  • Strategic Management: You may detect the establishment of various stock warehouses near clients. This will enhance efficiency and service.
  • Timely Delivery: When it comes to delivery, timing is critical. Delivery should be on time, with low cost and plenty of features.
  • Factory stock Reports: The program generates Factory stock reports. You may obtain reports like low stock, Factory stock confirmation, and forecast.

It is the most helpful aspect of of this software. The program maintains track of infinite serial numbers from receipt to issuance.

  • One-stop-shop:

The Factory stock management software is a service provider all-rounder. It helps you handle work orders, listings, and shipping, and streamlines your workflow.


Factory software has helped many businesses manage their supply of items. This program helps automate Factory stock management and increase corporate productivity. Manual procedures are not advised for firms that currently have complex operational tasks.


ERP Software For Transport Company and Its functions

Monday, April 25th, 2022


Define ERP Software for Transport Company

Don’t know what ERP software for a transport company is!!! It’s called Enterprise Resource Planning, which includes both business strategy and applications that focus on how the company runs. logistics programs designed for transportation firms, but their primary ideas are similar to those of ERP solutions used by other organizations, thus they may be utilized by any kind of company.

How to Choose ERP Software for Transport Company

Customers’ demands typically drive companies to use ERP systems rather than their own production teams. Even after deployment, the ERP software for transport company system may not meet the end user’s expectations.

The problem is choosing the correct remedy. A small firm with many warehouses has very different demands than a multinational sourcing organization. If you’re not cautious, you might end up with too much or too little technology.

Here are 7 ideas to help you choose an ERP system.

  • Persuade management to finance ERP adoption. In order to keep projects running smoothly, executives neglect to establish a mechanism for addressing issues.
  • Actions, schedule, resources and money must be specified. Manage risk, plan for eventualities, and communicate. Unsuccessful ERP rollouts may be salvaged by other best ERP software for Transport Company.
  • Choosy minds for the ERP installation crew You will ask them to define the firm’s future. Business and technical experts should be partnered. This is a long-term bet.
  • Hire a competent consultant. A robust project management strategy and cultural fit are required. You’ll be around them all day. Check references and their hobbies. A company’s needs must be understood.
  • Add essential functionality. Be sure your ERP system supports critical company functions. Interview every department in your company to see what features and functions they use daily. Determine if the ERP software for Transport Company meets your company’s or industries unique demands, and how you will cover the void.
  • Look forward. Can my ERP system help my business grow? Then what? Consider your company’s future.
  • Choose a trustworthy ERP provider. A company you consider doing business with must exist tomorrow. Question ERP software vendors to analysts and connections.


Key Qualities of ERP Software for Transport Company

ERP software for transport company helps organizations manage corporate information, integrate disparate systems, streamline operations, and improve productivity.

How ERP Can Help Logistics

Companies that employ ERP software claim improved warehouse management, inventory reductions, customer service, and demand forecasts.

  • Inventory Control

It can assist reduce costs in various ways. ERP software may assist improve inventory management by enabling the just-in-time concept. ERP software for transport company provides businesses with accurate and up-to-date inventory data.

  • Visibility

ERP software, being a well-integrated and comprehensive solution, can quickly and easily pull essential information from the system to assess a company’s health. This data might be shared with other parties like suppliers.

  • Savings

Remember that streamlining inventory management operations saves time and money by reducing production bottlenecks and improving inventory planning. Better organization may also lead to happier customers.

  • Financial Reporting

Notably, inventory is a major component of a company’s financial reporting and statements. Every inventory has a monetary value that must be recorded, whether it’s WIP, finished objects, or raw materials.ERP software for transport company assist keep yearly reports and tax filings up to date and correct.

  • Better Warehouse Employee Assignment

Staff management may be simplified using ERP software for Transport Company. Management may use a powerful capability in current ERP software to recruit, monitor, train, and track employee performance. It’s excellent that warehouse managers and supervisors can quickly monitor staff productivity and performance using an ERP system.

  • Reduced Costs of Delivery

Shipping and distribution are critical to the success of most manufacturing and wholesale distribution businesses. Customers will get the correct products in a timely manner thanks to an ERP system.

  • Carrier Sync

ERP software for Transport Company saves time since firms may produce shipping labels and other documents without having to input data into several systems.

Business owners may easily get the lowest shipping rates by integrating rate shopping ERP software solutions. Upon completion of order packing, the system may immediately fill a full list of possible carriers, their pricing, and services.

  • Returned Goods

Much current ERP software for Transport Company may assist organizations reduces or eliminates retail returns that clog the stock room and necessitate reshipment.

  • Order Control

An ERP system is the glue that links practically every manufacturing and distribution firm together.

Order tracking, delivery dates, and credit limit checks are handled by order management modules in ERP systems. Most manufacturers look for these traits in their products.

  • Orders and Inventory Sync

A good order management module in ERP software for Transport Company may reduce time-consuming order development and tracking procedures, duplicate handling mistakes, and data fragmentation.

  • Faster Order Processing

An ERP order management system may help you fulfill orders faster and manage sales better. The program may assist optimize cash flow, reduce order mistakes, and speed up order fulfillment.

Reporting and analysis tools may also help balance workloads and detect process bottlenecks.


Organizations must considerably improve their logistics performance in order to achieve overall success. The key to increasing operational efficiency in a corporation is minimizing shelf waste and reducing expenses for warehouses and delivery hubs. So keep tracking your transport and upgrade yourself with best ERP software for Transport Company. Thanks


Why You Choose RFID Based Inventory Tracking System!!!

Wednesday, April 13th, 2022

What Is RFID?

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) refers to a technique that gathers digital data from RFID tags or smart labels (described below). Similar to bar-coding, data from a tag or label is recorded by a device and kept in a database. RFID, on the other hand, provides significant benefits over barcode asset tracking. The most notable distinction is that RFID tags may be read without a scanner, while barcodes need alignment.

How does RFID work?

RFID falls under the category of Automatic Identification and Data Capture technology (AIDC). With minimum human intervention, automated item identification and data collecting technologies enter data straight into computer systems. This is accomplished by the use of radio waves.

An RFID tag or smart label, an RFID reader, and an antenna are the three components of an RFID system. An integrated circuit and an antenna transmit data to the RFID reader (also called an interrogator). The reader then turns the radio waves into data. A communications link then transfers the data gathered from the tags to a host computer system, where it may be saved in a database and subsequently examined.

What Is RFID Based Inventory Tracking System?

RFID stock control

An RFID tag is a small microchip with a small antenna that contains digital data about an object. Tags are attached to products, packaging, pallets, containers, and even vans or delivery trucks.

An RFID reader interrogates the tag by sending and receiving radio signals. The reader’s data is compiled and processed by specific computer software. A factory or warehouse may utilize readers to display when things are moved.

RFID Based Inventory Tracking System has various benefits over traditional technologies like barcodes:

  • Certain tags may be replaced, enabling information about things to be modified, such as when they are transferred from one portion of a factory to another
  • For quality control, especially if you create or store perishable goods

The costs of RFID tagging have reduced and continue to decline. The advantages of better stock management and security appeal to retailers, wholesalers, and distributors that sell many things and manufacturers who create products in bulk for several consumers.

Advantages of RFID in Inventory Management

The main advantage of RFID Based Inventory Tracking System is its automation and inexpensive labor. A warehouse management system or another equivalent system that collects and stores data automatically removes many of the limits and concerns associated with utilizing labels or barcodes for tracking. RFID tags also provide the following advantages in inventory management:

  • Labor expenses are lower: When scanned by an AIDC system, the tags generate and report data, reducing labor costs.
  • No need for line-of-sight. Like barcodes, RFID tags function without line-of-sight. In other words, employees don’t have to flip boxes to align, apply, or repair barcodes.
  • Boosts visibilityBetter supply chain visibility comes from processing and capturing more data.
  • More InformationMore data helps monitor items and keep customers, retailers, and supply chain partners informed.

Scans More Objects, Faster Handheld barcode scanners can’t process and classify information as rapidly as RFID tags!

  • Prevents damage: RFID tags that are less prone to damage during packing, shipping, and receiving are less likely to be destroyedsince they are made of plastic or hard shells.
  • Reduces over-and under stocking. RFID tags may also increase security and prevent inventory concerns since everything is recorded.

Using RFID Based Inventory Tracking System for Military Inventory Monitoring Has Flaws

The adversary can monitor RFID tags, enabling terrorists and other unscrupulous actors to find troops or assets at distances considerably greater than manufacturers promise.

Researchers from the AP showed that an RFID tag within a weapon may be detected from far more than the few dozen feet reported by manufacturers and contractors who install RFID systems. Signal broadcasts are restricted by the US government during field testing. The opponent, however, has no such limitations, and the testing specialists think the tags may be traced from kilometers away.

One expert speculated that an RFID Based Inventory Tracking System tag on the International Space Station (ISS) exterior might be monitored with a powerful reader. The ISS is 250 kilometers away, and RFID tags can be monitored using a few simple types of equipment that fit within a backpack.

RFID Based Inventory Tracking System Technology replacing outdated software reason is given below

RFID is replacing the old times inventory software because these software have many flaws and thus they cannot meet the need of the supplier and RFID had come and wipe out these gaps. Some of the gaps are discussed below are

These old-school approaches cause numerous current issues, which worsen as the inventory grows and the ways listed above cease functioning.

Lack of correct data entry.

  • High staff training costs: Training might take weeks or months, depending on your inventory. Invalidated methods of asset monitoring may lead to mistakes and revenue loss.
  • No central customer database:Inventory managers may struggle to receive current inventory information due to the absence of a single database.
  • Insecurity: we all know how insecure data printed on paper and spreadsheets is. To produce copies, just use a phone camera or a thumb drive.
  • Slows down the operation: manually entering data takes significantly longer than updating the database automatically.

This strategy will cost you money due to errors, typos, duplication, and delayed processes.

Large inventory cannot be tracked or managed using paper or spreadsheets. Along with RFID Based Inventory Tracking System, barcode scanners are utilized for real-time asset tracking.


This is a complete inventory management system, and you can use this for your small retail stores. The main feature of this system is that it is RFID-based, so it helps you to track your inventories easily.

Why ERP Software Are Beneficial to Warehouse

Wednesday, April 6th, 2022


What Is ERP?

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a method of managing and integrating several aspects of a corporation. Many ERP software programs assist firms in adopting resource planning by combining all business activities into a single system. Another feature of ERP software is integration.

Key functions of ERP in warehousing

  • Sales
  • Inventory procurement
  • Marketing
  • Human resources
  • Finance
  • Warehouse and fulfillment

According to general ERP data, 88 percent of enterprises feel their ERP deployment helped them flourish, and 53 percent say ERP is a priority investment area. In contrast, Statista’s 2020 poll found that 84% of warehouse and logistics companies use a WMS.

Finding the proper technology and strategy solution for distribution and fulfillment has become a must for supply chain managers. E-commerce, logistics, and food and beverage companies are now focused on automation. What if your present method doesn’t fit into the newer system?

So, here’s a secret. Using these two products together may make your enterprise operations more dynamic. ERP is already an all-in-one solution, and consolidating it with your WMS ensures a return on investment. This integration addresses today’s operational issues and supports future growth.

There are many advantages of ERP software for warehouse management.

Benefits of Warehouse ERP Software

  • Seek Wisely

To save time in your warehouse, you need efficient SKU retrieval. Most ERP software currently employs IoT tags, SKUs, and IDs to track and dispatch goods.

  • Inventory control

An ERP system for inventory management automates stock buying, sorting, and transferring. It also helps to know when to buy fresh merchandise and how much it will cost. So ERP inventory management maintains appropriate stock levels.

  • Affordably store

It’s critical to collect data while receiving inventory. The ERP system’s scanning capability efficiently retrieves crucial product style and quantity parameters. A barcode scanner may also print fresh labels with the vendor name, order number, and SKU in seconds. So your system promptly distributes merchandise to the appropriate storage based on its properties.

  • Optimization of warehouse inventory

Transport and gasoline expenditures may sometimes exceed supply chain budgets. With ERP software predictive analysis tools, you won’t have to worry. According their distribution networks, it determines the quickest shipping routes. Plus, adding pick-up and delivery locations is a breeze. All of this saves time and money.

  • Live Updates

Warehouse management ERP software may provide customized stock level and dispatch alerts. So that if you forget, the system will remind you, eliminating delays and over-and stocking.

  • Usability

Unlike other complicated business tools, ERP software is easy to use. You may also personalize ERP software for your employees and organization. Operational tasks are shown on the unified dashboard. So each section can monitor and assure sales.

  • Improved customer care

Customers now anticipate two-day delivery. Now you must meet clients’ expectations if you want their business. Customer satisfaction depends on timely and high-quality product delivery. To fulfill orders properly and on schedule, ERP intelligence skills come in helpful.

  • Indicate downfall in Market 

Informed judgments may be made with ERP software that combines data from several sources. Together with warehouse management, you may plan and expand your operation. So it improves supply chain operations and prepares your organization for market upheavals.

How to begin? It might be your first software purchase, a replacement for an older system, or a different approach to an existing ERP or WMS. Your warehouse ERP installation path will also differ. Regardless of the scenario, start with your team.

Get your team to pick the finest ERP and establish a strategic integration strategy. Allow every department involved in the system to voice their concerns. Identify the features and functions required to enhance warehouse management with your team.

Why customize ERP software for warehouse is better than generic ERP

Cross-departmental cooperation in SCM and manufacturing is prevalent. The integrated ERP system automates sales, finance, inventory, manufacturing, and transportation activities. Typical order steps:

  • The sales module generates the purchase order for the customer and automatically enters it into the order management solution
  • An order entry is generated and sent to inventory management for raw material procurement
  • It is then logged into the packaging and shipping department software, where a barcode is added so all departments can track the order

Automating this is difficult, and a pre-built system has less flexibility than a customized solution.

The allure of off-the-shelf ERP software for warehouse

Off-the-shelf ERP software, or OTS, is ready to use. It has preloaded features that have been carefully tested and confirmed. Its one-size-fits-all strategy may not be able to address your individual issues. The OTS must be adjusted to meet the business processes, not the other way around.

The use of off-the-shelf (OTS) or SaaS solutions requires They are less expensive since you just pay for access to the ERP program, not the application itself. It is an annual subscription, and the seller is responsible for new features and updates, so your program is always up to date without your involvement.

Off-the-shelf ERP software is ideal for small enterprises with limited budgets and time constraints. In many cases, pre-made solutions are the best alternative. Microsoft invested millions in Office so that its consumers may pay £7.99 per month! Nobody would really contemplate inventing their own word processor software when Microsoft Office (or a comparable application) is cheap.

Buying or building ERP software for warehouse


Create an ERP System customized software cannot fulfill all corporate needs. It is advisable to develop your own ERP system to fulfill unique company needs. Choosing an ERP to customize software allows firms complete control over their development processes, and the developers may readily discuss the needs in-depth.

High Flexibility: ERP customized software is developed to accommodate future changes, and it’s simply scalable as the company expands. Custom ERP may also be coupled with CRM, accounting, inventory, and HR software to boost revenue.

Building an ERP System

Long Term Growth: Due to manpower issues, extensive setup, development, and testing times may occur. Also, customized software may only be tested after development, and modifications or upgrades will take extra time.

Limited Training and Support: Employees working on the new ERP system may lack specialized training.

A developer designing customize software may lack industry expertise and hands-on experience, even with an extensive inside understanding of the firm. Their exposure to new technology is also restricted, and they may be ignorant of new technology that may help them.

We offer ERP integration and installation services to boost your current ERP system’s capabilities. Buying ERP software generates issues about compatibility, installation costs, and longevity. Let’s examine the benefits and drawbacks of ERP software.

Buying ERP Software

Budget: Because packaged solutions are more cost-effective for organizations with limited funds, customized software is more expensive.

Control: Because software providers own the implementation code, organizations must constantly depend on external technical help.

ERP development purchase is more expensive than in-house ERP customized software development.

Choosing between buying ERP software for a warehouse or building it from scratch is not simple. Canned solutions and off-the-shelf software both offer benefits. Examine your choices in light of long-term goals and company needs.