Barcode Stock Control System and Its Implementation Benefits

on April 18, 2022


What Is Barcode?

A barcode is a machine-readable representation of numbers and letters. With an optical scanner, a barcode is made up of bars and gaps of varied widths.

What Is Stock Control System?

Goods management, often known as inventory control, is the act of having enough stock on hand to fulfil consumer demand while keeping storage costs low.

Physical goods businesses need the stock to sell. Supply management ensures that the firm always has adequate stock for consumers while balancing costs. While this may seem easy in principle, it may be complicated by external circumstances like as weather, economic conditions, and union activity.

Stock control is vital since it may make or break a business. When done correctly, it reduces expenses while improving sales profits.


  • It’s easy to use

No, inventory management software does not need a Ph.D. You may think an Excel spreadsheet is simpler. Manually entering hundreds of SKUs every day is difficult. When your inventory goods have unique barcode labels, you can easily add information to them and retrieve it with a single scan. With one scan, you can see real-time inventory.

  • It is cheap

Barcodes are widely used for automated product identification, data recognition, and data implementation. Regardless of application complexity, barcode labels are inexpensive. You can also reduce training time and personnel costs while increasing production.

  • Barcodes are now accessible.

Tech progresses at a rapid pace. Barcodes are the same. The technology is now accessible and anybody may use it. The sooner you use barcode stock control system, the better. Proactively managing inventories saves time and money in the long term.

  • Isn’t that great?

Barcoding is faster than handwriting or manually entering integers. An average of ten mistakes per thousand keystrokes is committed by a person. Using a barcode scanner, however, just one inaccuracy occurs every 10,000 scans. Front-end errors cause shipping delays since personnel must look for products that may be out of stock or lost. Data errors may also lead to overspending by ordering too much merchandise.

  •  Barcodes protect

What company doesn’t want its goods and customers safe? barcode stock control system technology eliminates errors and mismatches, which may be damaging to the end-user, notably in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. Barcodes are also traceable and completely auditable, reducing loss and responsibility while deterring theft.

  •  Barcode tracking saves time

Saving time. Your staff will waste time keying in or writing down inventory, as well as physically hunting for things to send, if your warehouse does not utilise an automated system.

Why Organization Should Implement Barcode Stock Control System?


Once you’ve decided a barcode stock control system is ideal for your business, you can start implementing it.

  • Assess inventory targets

Before making any changes to your inventory system, identify your goals. Consider reducing order fulfilment delays or enhancing data collecting.

Then search for overarching KPIs that must be met to fulfil corporate goals. This will help you identify which features of the barcode inventory system will help you achieve your goals.

  • Create a master inventory list

A barcode stock control system management system requires a master list of inventory items. Understanding your stock can assist decide not just which barcode features will work best, but also whether they will work at all? For example, a barcode system may not be suitable for businesses with limited inventory.

  • Opt for barcodes

A barcode inventory software solution is required to develop, print, and track all barcodes.

  • Select a barcode scanner

Determining the most cost-effective barcode and scanner combo. Refer back to the sorts of barcodes to consider the merits and downsides of each.

  • Barcodes

After selecting your barcode programme, barcode type, and scanner, you can begin making barcodes. These templates are generated automatically when you submit your inventory information to most barcode applications.

You may even create your own barcodes! Customizing barcodes enable you to organise products in your warehouse depending on how they are scanned.

  • Improve inventory management

When adopting a new barcode stock control system, a few things will need to be changed. You may do this by merging your new barcode solution and procedures with your old inventory management software.

  • Stickers and scanning

Once everything is set up, you can use a barcode printer to create barcodes for the goods you want to monitor. This is the most time-consuming yet most rewarding stage.

Use the sticker procedure to verify everything is where it should be. Having a well-organized barcode stock control system is now possible.


The product which is to be find out and we want to manage it in our warehouse and even we can find the status of that product then the only bullet to the head and solution to the problem is barcode stock control system.

Barcode is a portable device that can be used to scan the item code or serial number of any object. It generates an output that is sent to a computer for further processing.

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Why ecommerce inventory tracking is indispensable?

on April 18, 2022


What does E-commerce Inventory Tracking software do?


E-commerce inventory tracking software measures the quantity, location, price, and mix of items offered by your firm. These items may be stored in your own warehouse, given by a third-party logistics fulfillment center (3PL), or acquired through dropshipping.

Businesses can see what items are overstocked, in stock, understocked, and out of stock.

Inventory management is linked to financial management. Inventory management provides you a bird’s eye perspective of every pallet’s potential income in any big warehouse. Organizations may make better marketing choices and modify future storage or warehousing requirements.

Inventory management relies on logistics and analytics. Stocking levels reveal purchase, seasonal, and consumer demand tendencies. You’re harming the connection you’re trying to develop with your customers and suppliers by not fulfilling orders on schedule or offering items at a pace you can’t fulfill.

Correcting inventory management errors may cost organizations a lot of money, both in missed sales and dead stock. If you manage your inventory well, you’ll acquire insight into buyer behavior and a better grasp product lifecycles.

What Are the Benefits of Ecommerce Inventory Tracking Software


  • Better Inventory Tracking Practices

Imagine how long it used to take warehouse personnel to learn about an order, locate the item(s) in the order, then package the order for distribution.

So long as your inventory management is accurate, you can save a lot of work hours.

Warehouses might suffer from system errors or missing goods due to system errors. A robust inventory management system saves time and increases team productivity.

  • Monitoring All Inventory

While one warehouse with one product may work for some, bigger organizations or those anticipating exponential development need to have a plan.

Choosing numerous warehouses, particularly when exporting internationally, adds to the complexity.

An ecommerce inventory tracking software notifies you where your items are and when they’re running short.

Unparalleled insight into many warehouses makes inventory management simpler than ever.

  • Wow, Every Client

If your eCommerce website shows an item in stock yet it isn’t available, it produces a confusing customer experience. The more precise your inventory management, the more aligned you are with client expectations. This is particularly true for firms that sell on both Amazon and brick-and-mortar. It’s critical to know your final inventory count and how it changes when orders come in from various sources.

  • Get rid of dead stock and squander

While not having enough inventories might be a concern, having too many increases the danger of not selling it all.

Reporting (such as historical sales reports and FBA reports) helps users avoid dead stock and wasted inventory. They feel more prepared and confident using sales data than a handwritten spreadsheet to make reorder choices.

Inventory management systems can show you when you are running low on items and when those you do have are approaching expiration. Extra storage and substantial discounting to get rid of inventories are unnecessary.

When it comes to promotional or liquidation discounts, having the correct e-commerce inventory tracking software foundation and front-end experience is critical.

A sale area on your website or discounts on product pages might entice customers to buy.

  • Make Returning Customers More Re-Order Friendly

A consumer often returns to a website to buy the same item. Users can simply access their purchase history and re-order what they need, thanks to your e-Commerce platform‘s excellent inventory management system, invoicing, and login features.

Big Commerce businesses can simply establish email and marketing campaigns focused on product repurchasing with email marketing partners.

  • Managing online stock

Inventory management is a vital component of operating a successful eCommerce company. You risk losing money or not meeting client demand. Learn how to create an accurate, efficient, and cost-effective inventory management system.

  • Stock check

An inventory audit verifies that the financial records and the actual count of products match. It ensures correct stock reporting and avoids stockouts. A spot check (counting actual goods to verify whether it matches what you think you should have) or a third-party inventory audit may be performed.

  • Inventory control

Inventory management is critical to eCommerce success. It is the process of managing and monitoring a company’s stock. The process comprises ordering, refilling, and predicting inventories. A good inventory management system prepares you for unforeseen events like product shortages, storage demands, production delays, and cash flow concerns.

  • Online store inventory management

You can monitor inventory levels across channels and locations with inventory management software. An inventory management system is essential in today’s digital environment.

The correct inventory software can automate many of the processes and strategies outlined below, saving time and reducing human mistakes. It is data-driven and gives real-time updates instead of manual techniques.

  • Stock control

Inventory management is a key step to guaranteeing your e-commerce firm has the proper stock levels to fulfill orders on time. The main purpose of inventory management is to maintain just the required units on hand without overpaying. Accurate inventory management reduces costs, improves warehousing, and pleases consumers.

  • Inventory movement

When a single fulfillment center isn’t enough, consider dispersed stock. Having many fulfillment centers allows you to better serve your clients, particularly if they are spread throughout the nation or you want to provide a 2-day ground shipment.

Consider inventory dispersal if you send many orders or if your items or shipments are hefty. Many 3PLs have many warehouses for rapid, low-cost shipment.


Using technology to understand your supply chain has never been more vital than in the era of ecommerce inventory tracking software and multi-channel selling. Modern companies may sell through physical stores, online stores, Amazon marketplaces, and social media.

The inventory figures must match if a product is bought via one channel. Brands benefit from inventory management tools and precise channel management.

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Why organization should choose cloud based warehouse inventory software?

on April 15, 2022


What Is Cloud-Based Warehouse Inventory Software?

As the name implies, cloud-based WMS is software as a service warehouse management system. Accessible through any device with an internet connection, it is 100% web-based. No on-site hardware is required since the software is hosted on other servers, and there is no need to set up or maintain the infrastructure or servers.

How it helps any organization to improve warehouse performance

Products may be controlled more easily using cloud-based warehouse management software. we can identify its importance having analyzed below-mentioned functions that it performs.

  • Receipt to assure error-free operations,

The WMS works closely with the ERP system. It oversees the administration of the docking area and receives stock entry orders (advance shipping notices). WMS may also be set to produce labels that the operator inserts on the unit load when data on new stock arrives is input.

  • Storage.

Each unit load may be automatically located using a cloud-based warehouse management system. Stock turnover, manufacturing batch, expiry date, and so forth. Easy WMS from Interlake suggests product relocation based on sales figures and demand predictions.

  • Dispatches.

Shipment orders may be made using  WMS software. Easy WMS, for example, let you handle these orders by delivery method. It also manages the order consolidation and packing workstations.

To effectively manage consumer demand across distribution channels, a WMS is required. And WMS must have below mentioned features.

Features of ERP Cloud Based Warehouse Inventory Software


  •  Smooth ERP Platform Integration 

It speeds up the process and allows for accurate data tracking throughout the business when WMS data is connected with your ERP. In addition, it guarantees that all data is synced with other departments.

For example, salespeople unfamiliar with a warehouse management system cannot successfully inform consumers of orders. A WMS should be linked with an ERP platform like SAP Business One so that personnel and other departments are not left in the dark about the supply chain.

  • Mobile Deployment – Access from Anywhere

Employees go abroad, work remotely, and need fast access to warehouse, meeting, and conference data. Handheld devices can access an excellent warehouse management system. Manage on the go by tracking inventories and seeing purchase orders.

Enriching the ERP system by updating data instantaneously on a web-enabled or mobile WMS improves communication across departments. It allows for real-time inventory usage and visibility for all workers. Field employees may make reports electronically, record transactions, and handle daily responsibilities.

  • Cost-reduction Optimization of Resources

What inventory was purchased, when, and for what purpose? Does tracking and viewing resources (people, materials, and time) on the move seem difficult? This may lead to human mistakes and task postponement, negatively impacting corporate productivity.

When you use Many ERP, everything is done well and on schedule! It helps warehouse managers set labor requirements, plan and balance order volume, track outbound progress, expedite pick-pack-and-dispatch processes, and help plan and balance order volume.

Warehouse workers may handle electronic distribution, procurement, and other operations with a Cloud-based warehouse inventory software. Employees may collect, record, and access data from anywhere.

  • Inventory Flows Inbound and Outbound

Picking and packing products is a lengthy and confusing job that requires appropriate preparation and guidance. It shows the status of the warehouse for a purchase order, manufacturing order, delivery, or other products receipt. The company must keep track of all incoming items so that the appropriate departments can handle them.

You may use the Item Master-Detail screen to define batch, serial, and non-tracked products.

The incoming and outward (goods receipt) flow situation has been modified recently. A modern software system automates and drives all transactions. Intuitive Bin Management System (WMS) by Many ERP Your screen will automatically adapt to the device’s size and orientation.

  • A Paperless Inventory Transfer Process

Paper-based transactions are wasteful and inefficient. Warehouse transfers are simplified using the Many ERP WMS system like mostly use as ERP Gold are count to be as the best Cloud based warehouse inventory software and the need of the hour.

The warehouse transfer option may be used when Warehouse A needs a large range of items from Warehouse B. You may process it in a few minutes by mentioning the item code, batch number, bin code, on hand, and the transfer amount.

A confirmation message containing the Item’s reference number and transaction information will be sent after the transfer. The web-enabled and mobile-friendly program saves time and effort and supports real-time tracking of commodities by providing all necessary information.

WMSs are web-based and mobile applications that assure data integrity, facilitate corporate decision-making, and standardize routine warehouse operations. For example, it can print and record goods receipt POs, warehouse transfers, bin transfers, and item labels.


Cloud based warehouse inventory software allows the business to track and manage everything from a single place. With cloud-based warehousing software, it is easy for businesses to stay on top of inventories and resources.

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How to choose ERP Software for Pharmaceutical Companies?

on April 13, 2022

ERP Software for Pharmaceutical Companies is in high demand as this industry is undergoing a massive transformation with the emergence of several new technologies and the need to further innovate in product quality, patient care and operational efficiency. The pharmaceutical industry has always been under pressure to invest in technologies that enhance product quality and patient care. These investments are projected to pick up steam in the coming months, fuelled by recent global events.

The COVID-19 epidemic, according to a new study, has advanced digital transformation in the pharmaceutical business by more than five years. Pharma companies have been investing substantially in different digital technologies, such as cloud computing and cyber security, as one of their main priorities.

Furthermore, many are exploring ERP Software for Pharmaceutical Companies as they look for methods to simplify procedures, increase efficiency, and comply with rigorous rules.

Today, we’ll look at the critical role of enterprise resource planning (ERP) in the pharmaceutical sector, including how we may utilize it, what it can accomplish, and what the future holds.

Importance of ERP for Pharmaceutical Companies

In the pharmaceutical business, there are severe regulations that must be adhered to by both big and small companies. Therefore, ERP and supply chain management systems are becoming more popular as a means of streamlining supply chain processes.

At every level of the production process, ERP sf may save you time and money. ERP software for pharma may help keep track of a variety of items, including raw materials, inventory, and packaging. Businesses may utilize these tools to get a better understanding of their operations while also enhancing their bottom line.

Because of the risk of human mistake, companies should avoid using out-of-date ERP systems or manual processes. Errors may put patients’ health at risk in certain situations. Because of this, we’ll need to improve how businesses operate.

For decades, operations were performed manually or via cumbersome software solutions that only monitored a workflow section.

As a result, team members faced several challenges, including

  • Lack of visibility into end-to-end business processes
  • Difficulty in tracking product batches across the supply chain
  • The inflexible and inefficient manufacturing process
  • Miscommunication throughout the supply chain and distribution channels.

Modern organizations are rapidly using technology to help them digitize and automate their operations.

ERP software for pharmaceutical companies, for example, can automate and improve every part of a pharmaceutical Company’s operations, including sales, quality assurance, batch manufacturing, inventory management, and back-office tasks (HR, accounting, etc.)

When an ERP platform is wholly embraced by the workforce and aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives, it may provide a slew of revolutionary advantages.

More efficient product management and tracking

  • Easier to control stock levels
  • Easier to monitor quality assurance levels
  • Easier to satisfy regulatory requirements
  • Easier to analyze and report data through ERP dashboards
  • Fewer human mistakes
  • Improved profitability
  • Improved customer service

10 Benefits of ERP Software for Pharmaceutical Companies

The advantages listed above are significant, but they might be applied to many companies, particularly the healthcare industry. Let’s take a deeper look at how ERP can make a significant impact in the pharmaceutical industry:

  • Formulation and Pre-Formulation are the first steps in the process.

The medication production process, understandably, is governed by tight restrictions. This contains instructions on how personnel should create and manage raw ingredients and how they should handle batch yields.

Employees must follow strict standards throughout the pre-formulation stage, which include:

  • defining drug manufacturing methods
  • scheduling drug production stages
  • measuring drug production amounts.

They may also be able to do so without continually checking output, resulting in higher productivity.

  • Costs of Drug Products

Several aspects go into determining the price of a prescription product. Companies must assess the costs of

  • Purchasing materials
  • Managing raw materials, among other things.
  • Supply chain management

These expenditures are separately documented in distinct departments without a centralized ERP platform. As a result, if this data is altered or updated, the new values may take some time to sync. As a consequence, calculating ultimate product costs is inherently difficult.

With an ERP system, on the other hand, every authorised employees gets rapid, centralised access to the same data. This allows your finance staff to easily monitor cost elements across departments.

Three of the most significant issues to consider are inventory management, scalability, and flexibility.

Pharmaceutical companies have always needed to keep track of their inventories. This worry has been heightened by the present pandemic.

ERP allows businesses to track and manage commodities in real time. Serialization may also help with inventory management, reducing time-consuming bottlenecks and potentially catastrophic stock-outs. Most systems also include traceability capabilities, which enable companies to quickly recall products if required.

  • Consider factors other than numbers.

An ERP system, as the name suggests, incorporates all aspects of your organization, not simply accounting and money. Accounting and invoicing, customer relationship management, inventory management, distribution management, and human resource management systems will all be linked into one single platform in a powerful ERP solution. Data is exchanged across all systems, resulting in useful cross-functional reporting.

  • Enhanced Data Protection

ERP software for pharmaceutical companies provides significantly better data security than spreadsheets or entry-level accounting software. In terms of data security, both on-premise and cloud-hosted ERPs are equal. Furthermore, cloud-based ERPs are equipped with several sophisticated data security capabilities like as ransomware protection, data encryption, virus protection, and intrusion prevention.

  • Enhance Customer Service

Whether you operate a B2B or B2C pharmaceutical Company, improving your customer experience and service is critical to increasing revenue, and ERP may assist in various ways. Your sales staff can manage, analyze, and modify client data with a contemporary ERP that includes a CRM to figure out your customers’ demographics, trends, and wants.

  • Adherence to the law

Legislation and criteria are constantly evolving in all businesses, especially in the industrial and food & beverage industries. Failure to comply with them may be quite costly to your pharmaceutical Company. Aside from GAAP and IFRS compliance, sophisticated systems like Acumatica and Sage Intacct also help with paperwork, training, accuracy, reporting, security, and process management – all of which are critical components of complying with laws.

  • Enhance Productivity

One of the key advantages of ERP is how simple it is to use. An ERP can help you optimize your pharmaceutical Company operations and automate data processing the most efficiently and effectively possible. ERP software reduces paperwork and the risk of human mistakes, which may interfere with productivity. Many manual processes may be automated, giving workers more free time and enabling them to focus on more productive duties. Your employees will be able to complete their tasks more quickly and efficiently.

  • Use the cloud to access data from any location.

ERP systems may be deployed as a web or mobile application using cloud technologies, depending on your requirements. You may access your data from any computer or mobile device with an internet connection.

This gives your pharmaceutical Company more flexibility and mobility, particularly if you have team members that work in various towns, remotely, or in the field. You can make data-driven choices fast and stay ahead of the competition if you have up-to-date, accurate information at your fingertips.

  • Insightful Reports and Dashboards

One of the essential advantages of ERP Software for Pharmaceutical Companies is its better understanding. Having all of your data in one place allows you to evaluate your pharmaceutical Company processes and determine what makes sense and what may be improved.

You may eliminate inefficient procedures and understand the many ways you can boost efficiency and build a better cash flow with the aid of valuable reports and analytics.

ERP suppliers also provide business intelligence (BI) solutions, which enable companies to obtain better knowledge and analytical insight into their operations. You’ll be able to make better business decisions based on accurate and timely data.

  • Adaptable and Scalable to Your Pharmacy.

ERP Software for Pharmaceutical Companies have scalability and adaptability to your business’s size and changing nature is one of its most significant advantages. Many small firms are hesitant to even explore an ERP because they believe only expensive one-size-fits-all options are available.

Best-of-Breed and Best-in-Class ERP systems enable organizations to create a tech stack tailored to their specific requirements, resulting in a unique solution. Customizing and integrating certain capabilities is critical to ensuring efficient business operations.

This means you only pay for the modules, add-ons, and connectors that directly benefit your organization, rather than an all-in-one solution with numerous capabilities and systems you don’t require.

Aspects to Consider while Selecting an ERP software for pharmaceutical companies :

  • Material and Inventory Management Done Right

Material waste at different levels of inventory has a detrimental influence on a firm’s profitability. We may control material waste, and we can monitor inventory levels with the aid of ERP Software for Pharmaceutical Companies. It assists in determining the material needed for production, establishing objectives, setting procurement and replenishment targets, and displaying material management, all of which aid in inventory level optimization and, as a result, minimize waste to some degree.

  • Management of Documents

It’s critical in this highly regulated business to keep track of all data and paperwork for future analysis and audit inspections. The ERP system aids in the organization of data that is now maintained in silos to fulfill compliance and regulatory vigilance requirements.

  • Management of the Formulation

The drug formula is valuable to pharma manufacturing SMEs, but it may be devastating if it is stolen, misused, or lost. The Pharma ERP solution enables manufacturers to document formula management, including the list of ingredients used, how we used them, tracking ingredient details, and storing and securing formulas with approval workflow. Restricted access is also made available.

  • Processing in Batches

According to cGMP criteria, WE must make the medications in batches rather than in a disorderly manner. ERP that can readily distinguish and manage the various forms of medication manufacture in batches is quite beneficial. Printing BMR and MBR as well as SOPs are just some of the features that the Pharma ERP for SMEs offers.

  • Traceability of lots

If anything goes wrong in the traditional sense, it’s difficult for producers to pinpoint the source of the issue and then take the appropriate steps, which slows down production. The lot traceability function in ERP gives manufacturers a 360-degree view of medicine production from procurement through distribution and sales, allowing them to conveniently handle recall situations and issue product recalls quickly if necessary.

  • A Game-Changer in the Industry

It’s no wonder that the pharmaceutical sector is paying attention as technology changes how we conduct business. Strict laws, complicated procedures, and a demanding clientele characterize this industry.

As ERP’s importance in the pharmaceutical sector grows, influential business executives will be ready to embrace these new technologies and execute the required business process reengineering to match their operations with the latest technology.

Our ERP consulting team can guide you through the following phases starting with essential planning and ERP software selection.

The Importance of ERP in Post-Corona virus Manufacturing

According to the World Bank, the COVID-19 epidemic has impacted businesses worldwide, with global GDP likely to decrease by 5.2 percent in 2020. The World Bank describes this as “the biggest global recession in decades” in its Global Economic Prospects report released in June 2020.

Tourism, fashion, and banking, as well as Manufacturing, have been particularly susceptible. Shipping delays have hampered the supply of resources and raw materials. Safety regulations have prohibited manufacturing facilities from working at total capacity, canceling regular and big orders. Consequently, there are shortages of everything from medications to food to clothes.

Given COVID-19’s tremendous influence on the manufacturing industry, it’s no wonder that stakeholders are developing long-term strategies and plans for rebuilding the initiative and laying a foundation that will provide much-needed stability.

Enterprise resource planning, or ERP, combines important pharmaceutical Company activities and operations into a centralized system worth examining in this respect. Cost savings, better efficiency and production, decreased risk and human error, and rapid growth are just a few of the advantages of ERP.

ERP serves as the basis for post-coronavirus production in various ways, and these are significant areas where a cloud ERP system or cloud CRM solution may help.

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Why You Choose RFID Based Inventory Tracking System!!!

on April 13, 2022

What Is RFID?

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) refers to a technique that gathers digital data from RFID tags or smart labels (described below). Similar to bar-coding, data from a tag or label is recorded by a device and kept in a database. RFID, on the other hand, provides significant benefits over barcode asset tracking. The most notable distinction is that RFID tags may be read without a scanner, while barcodes need alignment.

How does RFID work?

RFID falls under the category of Automatic Identification and Data Capture technology (AIDC). With minimum human intervention, automated item identification and data collecting technologies enter data straight into computer systems. This is accomplished by the use of radio waves.

An RFID tag or smart label, an RFID reader, and an antenna are the three components of an RFID system. An integrated circuit and an antenna transmit data to the RFID reader (also called an interrogator). The reader then turns the radio waves into data. A communications link then transfers the data gathered from the tags to a host computer system, where it may be saved in a database and subsequently examined.

What Is RFID Based Inventory Tracking System?

RFID stock control

An RFID tag is a small microchip with a small antenna that contains digital data about an object. Tags are attached to products, packaging, pallets, containers, and even vans or delivery trucks.

An RFID reader interrogates the tag by sending and receiving radio signals. The reader’s data is compiled and processed by specific computer software. A factory or warehouse may utilize readers to display when things are moved.

RFID Based Inventory Tracking System has various benefits over traditional technologies like barcodes:

  • Certain tags may be replaced, enabling information about things to be modified, such as when they are transferred from one portion of a factory to another
  • For quality control, especially if you create or store perishable goods

The costs of RFID tagging have reduced and continue to decline. The advantages of better stock management and security appeal to retailers, wholesalers, and distributors that sell many things and manufacturers who create products in bulk for several consumers.

Advantages of RFID in Inventory Management

The main advantage of RFID Based Inventory Tracking System is its automation and inexpensive labor. A warehouse management system or another equivalent system that collects and stores data automatically removes many of the limits and concerns associated with utilizing labels or barcodes for tracking. RFID tags also provide the following advantages in inventory management:

  • Labor expenses are lower: When scanned by an AIDC system, the tags generate and report data, reducing labor costs.
  • No need for line-of-sight. Like barcodes, RFID tags function without line-of-sight. In other words, employees don’t have to flip boxes to align, apply, or repair barcodes.
  • Boosts visibilityBetter supply chain visibility comes from processing and capturing more data.
  • More InformationMore data helps monitor items and keep customers, retailers, and supply chain partners informed.

Scans More Objects, Faster Handheld barcode scanners can’t process and classify information as rapidly as RFID tags!

  • Prevents damage: RFID tags that are less prone to damage during packing, shipping, and receiving are less likely to be destroyedsince they are made of plastic or hard shells.
  • Reduces over-and under stocking. RFID tags may also increase security and prevent inventory concerns since everything is recorded.

Using RFID Based Inventory Tracking System for Military Inventory Monitoring Has Flaws

The adversary can monitor RFID tags, enabling terrorists and other unscrupulous actors to find troops or assets at distances considerably greater than manufacturers promise.

Researchers from the AP showed that an RFID tag within a weapon may be detected from far more than the few dozen feet reported by manufacturers and contractors who install RFID systems. Signal broadcasts are restricted by the US government during field testing. The opponent, however, has no such limitations, and the testing specialists think the tags may be traced from kilometers away.

One expert speculated that an RFID Based Inventory Tracking System tag on the International Space Station (ISS) exterior might be monitored with a powerful reader. The ISS is 250 kilometers away, and RFID tags can be monitored using a few simple types of equipment that fit within a backpack.

RFID Based Inventory Tracking System Technology replacing outdated software reason is given below

RFID is replacing the old times inventory software because these software have many flaws and thus they cannot meet the need of the supplier and RFID had come and wipe out these gaps. Some of the gaps are discussed below are

These old-school approaches cause numerous current issues, which worsen as the inventory grows and the ways listed above cease functioning.

Lack of correct data entry.

  • High staff training costs: Training might take weeks or months, depending on your inventory. Invalidated methods of asset monitoring may lead to mistakes and revenue loss.
  • No central customer database:Inventory managers may struggle to receive current inventory information due to the absence of a single database.
  • Insecurity: we all know how insecure data printed on paper and spreadsheets is. To produce copies, just use a phone camera or a thumb drive.
  • Slows down the operation: manually entering data takes significantly longer than updating the database automatically.

This strategy will cost you money due to errors, typos, duplication, and delayed processes.

Large inventory cannot be tracked or managed using paper or spreadsheets. Along with RFID Based Inventory Tracking System, barcode scanners are utilized for real-time asset tracking.


This is a complete inventory management system, and you can use this for your small retail stores. The main feature of this system is that it is RFID-based, so it helps you to track your inventories easily.

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