Business Management Tips

on October 07, 2016

Business Management Tips

Starting and maintaining a business is not an easy feat. Dedication, hard work, and a firm determination are necessary to achieve the success.  No doubt mistakes will happen but the key thing is to persevere and learn from them. Here are some specific tips we have used in our own business journey.

The Business Management Tips

Highlight Your Goals

You need to prioritize your goals and objectives in term of their importance. In our list of business management tips, the most important task/s should generally be focused on and accomplished first. This process involves creating a roadmap that outlines the tasks your company must achieve to meet its general objectives. (more…)

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Excessive Contact with Customers Can Actually Slay Your Deal

on October 06, 2016


Customer retention is one of the main focuses of the sales persons in any business. Your business CAN go too far by trying to keep in touch with your customers, too many phone calls, emails and letters can drive them away.

A study conducted by Professor Andrea Godfrey and her coworkers at the University of California published a report Enough Is Enough! The Fine Line in Executing Multichannel Relational Communication which revealed that to communicate with the client there should be an “Ideal Level”. When you exceed that level the risk of losing the customer increases considerably.


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10 Reasons Your Business Needs a CRM Solution

on October 06, 2016


CRM is a major buzzword in today’s business world. Brands are rapidly adopting new CRM practices to meet the latest technology and social needs of the customers. Business owners and sales managers have heard they can significantly benefit from CRM, and yet many are still unfamiliar with CRM solutions.

So what does CRM mean anyway and how can it help you?

What does CRM mean?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management, a system that allows businesses to manage customer relationships and the data associated with them. CRM is a tool that let you build a closer relationship with your customers and grow your business.


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What is E-Marketing And How is it Useful For My Small Business?

on October 06, 2016


E-Marketing (Electronic Marketing) are also known as Internet Marketing, Web Marketing, Digital Marketing, or Online Marketing. E-marketing is the process of marketing a product or service using the Internet. It not only includes marketing on the Internet, but also includes marketing done via e-mail and wireless media. It uses a range of technologies to help connect businesses to their customers.  Examples of E-Marketing are banners add, blogs, social network advertisement.

E-Marketing is important because it aligns with the way consumers make purchasing decisions. Studies by analysts such as Gartner indicate that increasing numbers of consumers use social media and research on mobile Internet to carry out preliminary product and price research before making final decisions. Internet marketing enables you to build relations with customers and prospects through regular, low-cost personalized communication, reflecting the move away from mass marketing. (more…)

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What Does Time Tracking Software Actually Do?

on October 05, 2016

Time Tracking“Best Time Tracking Sofware” “Productivity is just one of the many unforeseen benefits for Hours”

“What you think of as a day – how long it takes the Earth to rotate – isn’t 24 hours. It’s 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.2 seconds.

Time tracking software is a category of computer software that allows its users to record time spent on tasks. This software is used by employees and employers in many industries, including hourly workers and professionals who bill their customers by the hour, such as lawyers, freelancers and accountants.

One example I share with you is of a woman who works for high-fashion retailer, Century 21, in New York City. “She’d been selling watches from seven in the morning to three-thirty in the afternoon to accommodate evening classes, but when that availability was punched in to ERP, the system no longer recognized her as full-time. Now she is getting no more than twenty-five hours a week, and her shifts are erratic.” (more…)

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