How to Integrate with MailChimp?

on November 02, 2016









Do you know what is Mailchimp and How to Integrate with MailChimp? Mailchimp is one of a popular email marketing application that delivers millions of emails in a day. You can integrate it with your business software application for sending a bulk of email to the customers.

MailChimp API

With your MailChimp account, you can integrate and synchronize any application by using the Mailchimp API. It manages segmentation of your email audience, updates member info, batch subscription, and unsubscription. Sign up dates and IP address tracking records of the interested groups. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

Why Switch to Cloud Based POS System?

on November 02, 2016


What is Clouse Based POS? Do you still use traditional electronic point-of-sale system (EPOS) to receive payments and manage your business data? If yes then you, my friend are still out of the new digital business loop.

You need to upgrade your business point of sales (POS) to a system that runs on a mobile device or tablet. These platforms transform your cell phone or tablet into a credit card processing device.

They turn your device into a cash register equipped with full functionalities of business management systems including inventory tracking, human resources, and CRM services.


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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

True Stories of ERP Implementation

on November 02, 2016


ERP is one of the most important tools for the success and growth of the companies. ERP arranges business data, performs functions, and manage connections.

An ERP is a ladder which allows companies to climb higher and become more prominent in the business world.  In this blog, I am sharing the ERP implementation strategies of some big companies.

These real stories will add to your knowledge on how important ERP is for the smooth business operation.


Cadbury is British Multinational Confectionery Company which is famous worldwide for its wide range of chocolates, candies, and milk food.  It implemented an SAP-based ERP system which was linked to 1750 applications.


The initial implementation was challenging and took a lot of time. The later implementations provided a huge benefit in saving cost.  The implementation was cross functional and resulted in an increase in efficiency.   (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

Automating your Points of Contact

on November 02, 2016

Automating your Points of Contact

To manage a customer’s experience and to keep them happy you need to provide them an rewarding and pleasant interaction with your company. If you have a small business and not enough sales staff there comes a question in your mind. How can I enhance customer experience?

Why Use Automation?

In old days there used to be a personal connection, direct mail, land-line phone calls and door to door salesman, these were considered enough to provide a great customer experience.

With the advancement of technology, customers are more informed and expect an experience that includes valuable communication along with quality services.  Customer interaction via online experiences through the web, social media, and electronic mail is now more in fashion.   (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

Cybersecurity and Small Business

on November 01, 2016


Last month FBI Director James Comey told a congressional committee that:
“the pervasiveness of the cyber threat is such that the FBI and other intelligence, military, homeland security, and law enforcement agencies across the government view cybersecurity and cyberattacks as a top priority.”

News published on FBI’s website on October 26, 2016 outlines the details of how the agency is working with citizens and partners to counter the threat.

In my opinion, cybersecurity is a great challenge for a small business. A small business owner is already dealing with so much and now this as well?

As much as we trust the FBI and other security agencies, we still have to do our part of the job. That is, get educated about cybersecurity threats and take appropriate measures at our end.

Lets talk about some facts: ransomware, data breaches, and intellectual property rights (IPR) theft are the most common threats to a business that is on the worldwide web. Small businesses are MORE likely than corporations to suffer from these kind of cyberattacks because these companies tend to have lighter security and more intrusion points.

How can a small business be more prepared without breaking the bank? Although there is no one-pill that can protect you against all threats there are a few considerations that may help.

If you are hosting your data, manage your server through professionals and make sure to keep the softwares updated and keep the security programs active.

Educate everyone around you about proper email protocol, such as not opening attachments if the file extensions are not familiar to you, even though the email is from a trusted source.

Adoption of new systems who provide cloud based services can be a good option as well. Data-centers are normally more protected and well equipped than any single small business could probably ever be.

At ERP Gold we host all of our information in super secure data centers. Monitored 24/7 and equipped with the latest in cyber and physical security apparatus. Try us free for 45 days and experience peace of mind and ease of use. (

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