What are the Most Effective Sales Techniques?

on November 02, 2016


“You’re not selling your stuff, you’re selling the benefit of your stuff”- Harvey. 

Successful salespeople are not from always, they develop their skill through trial and error. Being a sales professional you and your customer should be on the same side.  You must understand their need, build a personal relation with them, and close the deal in this way that both parties feel happy. (more…)

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How Does CRM Improve Customer Service?

on November 02, 2016


What is CRM?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with your customers and potential customers. It helps you improve your profitability.

CRM enables you to understand your organization’s relationships with individual people – whether those are buyers, service users, classmates or suppliers. Great efficiency can come from moving beyond CRM as a sales and marketing tool and insert it in your business. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

How Business Operation Management Important in Business?

on November 02, 2016

How Business Operation Management Important in Business? - ERP Gold

Business Operation Management

Business operation management is the basic part of the company.  It ensures that all operations of the company are running efficiently. In other words, you can say business operation management transform ideas into actions.  It is concerned with the production of goods or services of the company.

Importance of Business Operation:  

Increase the Efficiency of Resources

Business operation management also includes an increase in efficiency of the resources and its use for the purpose to deliver the goods or services to the customers. It helps companies to develop a valuable relation with customers, increase in profit margin and reach company excellence. (more…)

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Audience Segmentation…… An Important Marketing Strategy!

on November 02, 2016

For targeted marketing communication, segmentation of audience is a primary activity.

Audience segmentation refers to utilizing demographic attributes to identify and group your potential customers. It is the categorization of a large audience into smaller groups with similar preferences, values, and needs. Segmentation projects the response of different groups to the different communication interventions.


Why is Segmentation of Audience Necessary?

Audience segmentation allows focusing those people who are most important to reaching and to help design the effective strategy to adopt new behaviors. It lets a marketing crew to prioritize product, messages, services and communication media based on the particular need and preferences of their audience. (more…)

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How to Organize Email Campaign Results?

on November 02, 2016

How to Organize Email Campaign Results

Now a day’s, email campaign or email marketing is one of the best marketing practices. Around 70% of the consumers prefer email for the communication over other online media. A well-organized campaign can result in:

  •    Lead Generation
  •    Increased sales
  •    Brand Loyalty
  •    Significant Business growth

After sending an email, marketers are supposed to record the response and generate result reports accordingly. But how will you manage this response record?

Go through this article and you will come to know the prospects of handling email results. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration