How to Achieve Success in Running Small Business?

on November 16, 2016

How to Achieve Success in Running Small Business? - ERP Gold

After starting your small business.  The key to success is how to manage and grow it effectively and efficiently. How does it happen, when a small business gets exceptional success whiles its competitor fails.

It’s not up to the product and price change.  It mostly depends on the way how you run your business.

Greatest Challenge

In day to day business life, there are many challenges which a businessman faces daily, including selling distributing, financing and developing his business. The small business owner always has a fear to fail in business.   This is one of the great challenges for him.

For the purpose to achieve success in running the small business here’s are few tips I like to share. (more…)

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How will you Rectify the Errors of Final Accounts?

on November 16, 2016


If an error occurred in the books of accounts, and you identified quickly, you can fix it timely and replace it with correct entry.  But if the error recognized after some time then you need to pass journal entry, those entries you pass to fix the errors called rectification entry.  In another word the process of systematically correcting the errors is called rectification

Rectify General Entry

If you post general entry into the ledger, so you require rectification entry. The errors must be rectified before finalization of books of accounts. You can not have correct trial balance with such errors,as it affects one side of one account hence, it can not correct by journal entry, but if correction is required you need to enter the amount on both sides of the account debit and credit. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

What are the Benefits of Call Center Marketing?

on November 16, 2016


Do you really know What are the Benefits of Call Center Marketing?

Call Center

A call center is a physical place provided by an organization where customers and business telephone calls are handled by call center staff. Especially a call center can handle numbers of calls at the same time, identify calls and forward to the concerned qualified.  

The call center is used by telemarketing companies, computer product help desks, and the big organization that uses phones for the purpose to sell their product or services. (more…)

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What is Local Marketing?

on November 16, 2016

Media Signpost Shows Internet Television Newspapers Magazines And Radio

Local Marketing also called neighbor marketing targets the local population. It’s developed promotional messages are for local people rather than global customers. Local marketing generally used by small business like store or restaurant.  Franchise business is also using local marketing strategy to promote their business around the specific location.

Local market doesn’t mean to target people generally from the local market.  The local business owner must have an idea about his target customer,  the customer population must be identified first then put the numbers into a marketing plan.   (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

9 Best Ways To Advertise Business Locally?

on November 16, 2016



It is a process of producing information and purchasing recognized media space or time for the purpose to promote company’s product or service.

Local Advertising

Local advertising means to promote company’s brand through advertising with the use of local means  and to make the local population as a target audience.  Local advertising value is increasing day by day.  It is a challenge for a big national company who looks multiple locations for brand promotion.  Any business who plans to target local audience can use tv media to reach them fast.


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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration