How to Track Customer Acquisition Channel?

on November 17, 2016

How to Track Customer Acquisition Channel? - ERP Gold

Do you know How to Track Customer Acquisition? Marketing channels are specific platforms which organizations use to deliver their message that can reach to its potential prospects. Channels can include, people, actions, proceedings, events, personal contact or social media platforms.

Traditional modes of marketing

The traditional channels for marketing i.e. newspapers, magazines, brochures, pamphlets   have boundaries and limited to the required specification.

They were used for one way communication only and the customers could not respond back via same channels. They were too slow to generate a timely response and were not efficient for marketing purpose.   (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

How to Take Over Customers for your Startup?

on November 17, 2016

How to Take Over Customers for your Startup? - ERP Gold

In a new startup, every employee is supposed to play a role in selling company’s product. A person with sales background and experience find it easy to play his role, but a non-salesperson needs to look for some tips to get a hold on it.

Here I am sharing some of my tips for a non-salesperson as well as a sales person that will make it easy for every employee in your company to promote and sell your product or services and build healthy customer relationships. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

How an ERP Works?

on November 17, 2016

How an ERP Works? - ERP Gold

Do you know How an ERP Works for your Business? ERP system is considered as a simple application to run business operations. But it’s not actually the scene: ERP is actually a standard suite of software tools which incorporate processes to streamline the whole business system.

It generates great returns by saving time and company’s money along with decision-making ability for upcoming business plans.

A Unified Platform

ERP is generally misunderstood as a collection of databases which creates and store company’s data. But ERP along with storing this data make it comprehensible for company’ management and employees to by extracting meaningful requires information.   (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

Inventory Management Programs

on November 17, 2016


Inventory Management Program facilitate the records of stock and shipping of the goods. There are certain types of inventory management programs based on functional and operational requirement of a company to manage its inventory .

These programs have salient features depending on the functionalities you choose and can get quite costly. Mostly inventory management program consist of three types; warehouse, distribution, and enterprise resource management solution.  (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

Tips for Key Account Management

on November 17, 2016


Key Account Management Task is highly variable and critical for the success of business. Account manager’s goal is to secure orders, increase revenue stream and keep the customers satisfied.

The core skills include delivering better sales according to the business plan and identify the opportunity of a great win for the company.

Here I share some tips for an effective account management strategy that can be implied to both small and big scale business. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration