Why Cash Flow Management is important ?

on November 23, 2016

Why Cash Flow Management is important ? - ERP Gold

Previously I have told you what is Cash Flow Management . Today I will let you know why cash flow management is important for any business.

“Revenue is vanity, cash flow is sanity, but cash is king”. Well, it is right no doubt.

The business analyst states that the poor cash flow management is one of the main reasons for business failure. It is the most stumbling hurdle that blocks the smooth running of the business. Understanding why cash flow management is important will help you predict unforeseen tragedy. (more…)

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Effective Strategies of CRM

on November 22, 2016

Effective Strategies of CRM - ERP Gold

What are the Effective Strategies of CRM? A CRM is an investment that increases profit and helps your company retain clients. Investing in a CRM is now an essential part of a growing business. Many business owners ignore this important tool to save money.

One of the most important things that make a business successful is the healthy relationship of the company with its customers. This mutual understanding directly affects the growth of the business.

A Vital Tool

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is now a trend in the advanced business world. It is a valuable and vital tool for the efficient management of the customer’s data. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

How to Overcome Challenges for Recurring Billing?

on November 22, 2016


Recurring billing sounds a nerve-racking payment model for the customers. It allows the companies to deduct subscriptions and membership dues under a pre-specified installment plan. Who wants to give his credit card details to risk the money?

On the other hand, it is one of the powerful strategies in the digital market. It gives high revenue to business, especially for SaaS providers. Well, not all customers are willing to go with the recurring billing option.

The horrible stories of people who lost their large amount of money through this recurring billing program introduce a fear to avoid it. So selling through recurring billing could be really challenging. (more…)

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Business world’s Turnover to ERP

on November 17, 2016


A little Long ago, the business world was not fully aware with this magical lamp called ERP. These systems were new.  It was not accepted by the people to let it take over their business, as they were reluctant to hand over their work to the risky technologies.

ERP was supposed to adopt just to stay in the competition at that time. Vendors used to attract the customers with some basic features but didn’t know the usefulness of fully implemented ERP. They were afraid of more complexity.

IT department was unable to convince management that full deployment of an ERP system will generate significant ROI along with staying in the competition. (more…)

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How to Generate Leads using ERP Gold?

on November 17, 2016

How to Generate Leads

How to Generate Leads? Securing lead is an important task in the sales process. You have to look for the prospects that have a business which needs services similar to those you provide.

It a process of guiding prospects in the right direction for the product and services they are interested in.

When an interested prospect shows their concern to your product to find out more information, you have generated a lead. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration