Cost of Capital for a Business

on January 27, 2017

cost of capital

Capital is the money businesses use for financing their operations. It’s the financing for the small business or the money used to operate and purchase of assets. Cost of capital is the cost of obtaining that money or financing for the small business. The cost of capital is also called the hurdle rate. Cost of capital is the key to all business decisions.  (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

Capital Budgeting: worth in Business

on January 27, 2017

Capital Budgeting

To understand the capital budgeting, you must have to understand both parts of this term.

‘Capital’ in represents long-term, fixed assets, or the capital investment, such as a building or machinery. “Budget” is the plan that details anticipated revenue and expenses during a particular time period, often the duration of the project. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

Reasons: Why People Bounce from Your Blog?

on January 26, 2017

Bounce Rate

Does your blog posts are correct with the Title? First-time, people usually arrive to your blog post from a general link on social media. They are probably drawn in by the title and click through to find the exact information they needed. There are too many reasons, you have high domain authority, but your users or readers are not staying on your blog post. This can increase your bounce rate and for SEO purpose this is not a good sign for your blog or website. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration