Manage your Business Growth without Losing Momentum

on February 03, 2017

Business Growth

Business growth is compulsory for the financial worth of business. You must have to manage your business growth effectively. There are so many ways on the internet where you can read the different ways about how you can grow your business. But in this article you can learn five major business growth stages. Here are five ways to manage the growth of your business without losing momentum:

  • Always Play to Win:

People ever hate to lose. Infect, studies have shown that there is twice as much joy in not losing than there is in winning something. Human beings have loss aversion because of the pain we feel when we lose. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

How to Hire a Small Business Attorney

on February 02, 2017


Hiring the professionals for a small scale of business is an important process. It is an important task for every businessman to hire a local business attorney. The selection of best attorney for your business will obviously depend on what types of legal needs are for your company.

Small businesses often need help with setting up the right legal form of business, negotiating contracts with customers or suppliers, assisting with real estate needs (such as a lease or a building purchase), taxes, zoning and licenses, protection of intellectual property, or settling litigation etc. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

Best Practices of Marketing Automation

on February 02, 2017


Marketing Automation

The word “Marketing Automation” has got the most important place in the realm of business. It about creating relationships with your audience built on trust in your brand.  Today’s technology is revolutionizing the marketing channels.  It is scaling businesses towards growth more smoothly. Here ERP Gold provides a few automated marketing practices that can help to scale your business without losing authenticity. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

Key Metrics to Measure the effectiveness of Recruitment Proccess

on February 02, 2017

To measure the success of recruiting process can be challenging for talent acquisition experts. You need to decide some key metric to identify the successful recruitment process. RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing ) companies thrive because of the difficulty of estimation of a successful recruitment process. That’s why these companies spend a lot of time and resources to refine their strategies and measurement techniques. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration