ERP Gold Now on your Mobiles

on February 07, 2017

Mobile ERP

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) helps organizations to manage their business’ processes. Most organizations across the world, require ERP capabilities with mobile applications. Mobility and the options to access business applications on mobile devices are available. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on the Future ERPs

on February 07, 2017

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making its way into next level ERP solutions through many applications. ERP systems are now the hearts of organizations. It not only automates basic accounting and HR functions but also influences daily tasks and achievement of the employees.

AI technology is now affecting significantly on future ERP systems. In this article, I will let you know about the main technologies of Artificial Intelligence that are going to impact on ERP with a greater Quotient. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

Evolution of ERP in 2017

on February 07, 2017


The business world is now highly dependent on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) if they want to stay at the top among the competitors in the market. ERP software automates and efficiently manages all operation of business especially shipment order, warehouse or inventory management. (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration

Steps to Eliminating Unhealthy Behaviors That Block your Positive Energy

on February 03, 2017

Positive Energy

Everyone experiences emotional ups and downs in their professional life. The inability to effectively handle with emotional situations is lead to a default outlook on life that is entirely based on negative thoughts. In this article you will learn how you can eliminate unhealthy behavior  that block your positive energy to succeed.

For the sake of your own emotional and physical wellbeing, it is necessary to learn that how to handle your difficult situations in a way that releases positive energy instead of leading to unhealthy behaviors. Some suggestions are mentioned here:  (more…)

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AdminWhat is Manufacturing accounting software ? Elaboration