How An ERP System Can Reduce Your Lead Time In Multi-Channel Selling

on October 21, 2019

Rising competition and thin margins are forcing small businesses involved in multi-channel selling to better equip themselves with efficient Multi-Channel Inventory Management Software. Multi-channel selling involves platforms like eBay, Amazon, Shopify, and countless other online stores. A good start to achieving inventory management efficiency is by managing lead time.

Lead Time In Best Multi Channel Inventory Management Software

What Is The Lead Time?

Lead time is defined as the amount of time it takes for any process to complete. In a typical business, there are multiple lead times involved from the point of initiation to the point of consumption for any product or service.

Let’s take the example of ordering raw materials, depending on how far your supplier is, the time it takes for the material to be delivered can be considered as the delivery lead time. So, if it is delivered in 3 days, then we can say that the lead time for delivery is 3 days.

Lead time can be tracked for many more processes as well, like, lead time for taking orders, communicating with suppliers, or even the time it takes to share data within your organization. It is therefore vital for any business to optimize its lead times as much as possible to increase operational efficiency.

What is an ERP?

An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system makes it easier to get an overview of your entire business through a single portal. It contains all the necessary information like the supplier data, inventory levels, current orders, deliveries, and financials etc. It functions as a centralized hub, everything from pricing, logistics, and sales to customer details and feedback are all linked to one system.

How Multi-Channel Inventory Management Software Can Reduce Your Lead Time

Here are some of the ways by which a small business can reduce its lead time and improve efficiency with an inventory management software solution.

I – Efficient Order Management

Small routine tasks can take up a lot of time when handling orders in repetition. In addition to that, human error also becomes more common. When taking orders, entering customer data can be troublesome, especially when you are dealing with large volumes, even a slight error in typing the address or quantity can result in huge losses and customer dissatisfaction. To overcome this, ERP systems help make the routine task of taking orders simplified by reducing the number of steps involved, in most cases the customer data will already be stored into the system and can be retrieved easily. Furthermore, the orders once fed into the system can update inventory levels through barcode or QR code scanning, this will almost eliminate the need for routine stock audits.

II – Collaboration With Suppliers

ERP systems make it easier to visualize the state of your entire business, and most importantly your inventory levels. An efficient ERP system updates the position of stock levels instantly when a sale is made. This helps in high accuracy assessment of demand which can be shared with suppliers. The suppliers can then fulfill stock replenishment requests according the demand forecasts shared by the business. As a result, the business will be minimizing any delays in delivery from the supplier’s side.

III – Cross-platform Synchronization

Within an ERP, all online marketplaces are integrated on your system. This means that you do not have to keep track of sales orders and customer data on each individual platform. Everything is being shared to a single point-of-contact, which makes operations cost effective and less time consuming because manually tracking orders on each website is not needed.

How ERP Gold’s Inventory Management Solution can help Multi-Channel Sellers

ERP Gold provides multi-channel businesses with a cloud-based ERP solution that is specifically designed to fulfill their needs.

  • Our Multi-Channel Inventory Management Software offers the following benefits:
  •       Cross-Platform Integration: Connect to online marketplaces and E-commerce platforms instantly
  •       Faster & Easier Data Syndication: Minimize the need for manual data entry
  •       Customized Reports: Generate reports for each product listing separately with customizable datasets.
  •       Data Integration: Eliminate data duplication and redundancy by syncing everything on one platform
  •       Cloud-Based: ERP Gold’s Multi-Channel Inventory Management Software works on the SaaS (Software As A Service) architecture which allows data access through the web through an SSL secure connection.

ERP Gold is here to help you with all your inventory management and control issues!  Click HERE to read more about how we can help, call us at 888.334.4472 for a free consultation.  If you want us to call you, fill out our contact form HERE. Or click HERE to schedule a free consultation or demonstration of how we can help you.

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5 Key Reasons Why a Cell Phone Wholesaler Would Need an IMEI Tracking Inventory Management Software

on October 19, 2019

Cell phone wholesalers and retailers run a unique business process that is heavily reliant on inventory management practices. Certain components are required to be tracked from when they enter the wholesaler’s facility to when they leave the facility with serial numbers.  These serial numbers are required to be tracked through every process.

IMEI Tracking Software

Streamlining of Processes

Depending on negotiations, a cell phone wholesaler may import a large quantity of phones all at once, which could stress the system and lead to inaccuracies. Once at the wholesaler, each cell phone must go through the entire process of sorting, testing, and grading. This is a time-consuming process.  By analyzing and streamlining the tasks of each department, you can work more efficiently and reduce the number of errors or bottlenecks.

Serial Number Inventory Management Software

Inventory tracking itself can be very time-consuming, especially when every component needs to be tracked when it is used.  Every cell phone has one or possibly two IMEI numbers assigned to it.  An IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number is a 15-digit assigned based on the connectivity.  Maintaining IMEI numbers is important to ensure safety, security, and regulatory obligations.  Because inventory tracking is so time-consuming, inventory management software is essential to maintain accuracy and efficiency.  A serialized inventory management software is designed to give you real-time knowledge of your IMEI inventory along with creating the necessary digital paper trail.

Easy Barcode Scanning

An inventory management control system can make data input easier through barcode scanning. An employee simply scans the product bar code and tells the system what he is doing with the inventory, the system automatically moves the inventory providing a digital paper trail for the inventory.  Manually entering all the data can easily lead to duplication and errors, whereas bar code scanning increases the accuracy and eliminates the duplications and errors.

Efficient Collaboration with Suppliers

It is important to create customized processes and categories for grading phones. During the testing phase, you can easily generate reports and print them directly from the software so that they can be attached to the phone and sent forward to retailers or sent back for repairs.  This also allows you to analyze a supplier’s performance.

ERP Gold’s Serialized Inventory Management Software has been specially designed to help cell phone wholesalers and retailers manage their inventory. It offers a quick customizable inventory system and cellphone repair ticketing system, and, it also allows multi-channel integration with online selling platforms.  In addition to the features listed above, our serialized inventory tracking software includes:

  • Cloud-Based Software
  • IMEI Tracking & Labelling
  • Repaired Devices Tracking
  • Purchase Order Generation
  • Barcode Scanning
  • Customized Report Generation

ERP Gold is a complete and integrated suite for managing your business. Whether you are a manufacturer, wholesaler, or e-commerce retailer, we help you manage all aspects of your business from sales, and purchase to production, delivery, and even returns of products in real-time with greater accuracy and efficiency. ERP Gold is here to help you with all your inventory management and control issues!  Click HERE to read more about how we can help, call us at 888.334.4472 for a free consultation.  If you want us to call you, fill out our contact form HERE.  Or click HERE to schedule a free consultation or demonstration of how we can help you.

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Why Keeping Track of IMEI/ESN Numbers Is Necessary In The Cell Phone Industry

on October 17, 2019


IMEI Tracking Software

An IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) or ESN (Electronic Serial Number) are unique codes used for identifying smart phones, mobile devices, and tablets. They are unique to each device and are important for tracking and security reasons. A cell phone wholesaler or retailer has many reasons for which they need to keep track of all the IMEIs in their stock. ERP Gold’s Serialized Inventory Management System makes it easier to carry out the various functions listed below to benefit businesses in the cell phone industry.

Physical Order Verification

If you receive smart phones or tablets in bulk, adding each IMEI to a spreadsheet or system manually can be extremely time consuming and prone to errors.  With ERP Gold’s serialized inventory tracking, it is very easy to add an entire list of IMEIs to your system when received from the vendor in bulk. Simply scan the phones’ barcode label to verify if the correct phones have been received. Once each phone is scanned, its IMEI is added and cross-checked with the existing database so that no items are lost or duplicated.

More Efficient Way to Handle Product Recalls

When you need to recall your product, you need your numbers quickly.  If the information on each smart phone or tablet has been stored efficiently, it will become easier to recall stock from retailers and send it back to suppliers. At a glance, you know which retailers have which IMEIs.  And because the IMEIs are specific to each phone and can be searched easily, it will make it far more efficient to identify particular phones from a lot or batch.

Tracking Software adds an Advantage in Mobile Repairing

In today’s world, repairing and refurbishing smartphones and tablets has become a new revenue stream for companies.  With serialized inventory tracking software, the phones can be managed at the IMEI level instead of just the SKU level.  Phones can be categorized into batches by similarity in model or defects. Phones are scanned into repair software that automatically checks for standard problems.  Once the phones have been repaired, they can be transferred to an entirely separate stock of refurbished phones in the system and resold.

Serialized Inventory Tracking

Tracking inventory at the IMEI level with tracking software increases the accuracy of the inventory. When wholesalers receive the list of IMEIs from their supplier, they already have the data synchronized across different entities. So, when phones are divided into various batches from the lots, they can easily be tracked and organized without having to create a new tracking system.

Easier Cell Phone Distribution

Mobile phone devices of the same model look very similar and can only be differentiated by their unique IMEI numbers. Hence, it makes it easier to distribute phones because information about the customer is being recorded against their purchased IMEIs. In cases of security or compliance requirements, reports can be generated for the sale of each phone along with their IMEIs.


IMEI tracking software is not only important from a compliance perspective, but it also provides stronger internal control processes. The complexities and challenges of IMEI/ESN tracking can be effectively managed with ERP Gold’s Serialized Inventory Management System.  This innovative solution revolutionizes how businesses handle inventory tracking, offering a plethora of benefits

ERP Gold has all the features necessary for serialization of inventory management. We provide an all-in-one ERP software solution for cell phone tracking, repair, distribution, and cell phone inventory management.  It has multiple features for both wholesalers and retailers that allow them to reduce errors and losses while maximizing workflow through efficient organization of inventory.

To learn more about ERP Gold and how we can help you with all your inventory management and control issues, Click HERE.  You can also call us at 888.334.4472 for a FREE consultation.  If you want us to call YOU, fill out our contact form HERE. Or click HERE to schedule a free consultation or demonstration of how we can help you.

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Why ERP Gold is the Best Cell Phone Inventory Management Software

on October 17, 2019

In the fast-paced world of mobile device inventory management, wholesalers, retailers, and distributors face a myriad of challenges unique to the industry. Even with technological advancements, many companies still rely on partially or entirely manual processes for managing orders, stock inventory, and deliveries. This is further complicated in the mobile device sector by the necessity to serialize devices with an IMEI number, introducing an additional layer of complexity to an already demanding system.

Mobile Phone Sales Are Growing Exponentially!

The mobile phone inventory in circulation is expected to reach 6.94 billion units, and this number will likely continue to soar. Wholesalers are crucial in making mobile devices more widely available at competitive prices. With the increasing demand, they require robust mobile stock management software to enhance operational efficiency. This is precisely where ERP Gold steps in, equipping businesses with the tools needed to excel.

Optimized Serialized Inventory Management System

ERP Gold offers a customizable serialized inventory management system, which is essential for handling large volumes of mobile devices. Wholesalers often receive devices in varying conditions, necessitating a system to categorize and facilitate necessary repairs. The mobile device inventory management module within ERP Gold provides an effective solution, ensuring optimal organization and tracking.

Stock Inventory Control By Serial Number (IMEI)

Efficient tracking of every single item in inventory is vital, and for mobile devices, this means managing unique IMEI numbers. ERP Gold’s mobile inventory software streamlines the synchronization of IMEIs from purchase orders with the actual inventory received, minimizing errors, enhancing accuracy, and guaranteeing thorough inventory tracking.

Key Benefits of ERP Gold’s Serialized Inventory Management

  • Accurate valuation of mobile device inventory.
  • Effective mobile stock management software for reorder management.
  • Insights into which devices are capital-intensive.
  • Details on necessary repair parts and quantities.
  • Device categorization based on condition, and much more.

Comprehensive Mobile Device Software

ERP Gold offers a comprehensive mobile device management solution for wholesalers, distributors, and retailers. It meticulously tracks sales while managing the costs associated with not only acquiring phones but also their repairs. This precision in cost tracking aids in a more accurate calculation of profit margins, facilitating strategic business decisions, such as optimizing repair expenditures to maximize profitability. Included in the ERP Gold system is the ability to maintain organized customer records and sales data, which can be conveniently exported to formats like Excel.


ERP Gold’s mobile inventory management software offers an industry-leading solution that transforms the bulk buying, ordering, repairing, and distribution of mobile devices into a streamlined process. To explore how ERP Gold can assist you with your mobile inventory management system and control needs, click HERE. For a FREE consultation, call us at 888.334.4472. Prefer us to reach out to you? Fill out our contact form, or schedule a free consultation or demonstration today.

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Is Email Marketing Still Relevant

on March 30, 2019

When the internet was still new and people were exploring it as a luxury, emails were taken as sophisticated and highly effective ways to target businesses. Everyone loved the notification “ You’ve Got An Email”


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