Integrating ERP Gold with WooCommerce

on January 25, 2021

Why WooComerce E-commerce Stores Need to Integrate With an Inventory Management Solution

WooCommerce is one of the biggest E-commerce platforms available for building online stores. The reason most sellers choose WooCommerce is that it makes it easy for WordPress developers to make online stores as WordPress provides an easy plugin for WooCommerce. A lot of these sellers have inventory coming to them from multiple sources which makes keeping a record of the inventory more complicated and so they are in need of a WooCommerce inventory software. Since a lot of the sellers use WooCommerce for multi-channel selling, ERP Gold allows the integration of your business to its WooCommmerce inventory management system so that you can easily keep a track of an up to date WooCommerce inventory management system.

 How Integration of ERP Gold with WooCommerce Works

Now that we have established why a WooCommerce inventory management system is important, now we look at how WooCommerce and ERP Gold, work hand in hand through a Bi-directional relationship where inventory data is interconnected and with every sale or purchase, the inventory is automatically updated from both the WooCommerce and ERP Gold systems. This use of the software is especially important for people who are selling their products both online and in physical storefronts. This kind of integration will not require the seller to go and update the inventory on the WooCommerce store separately after a sale has occurred in the physical store. This ends up saving time and any risks of error happening since it hides out of stock products automatically.


Ease and Accessibility with ERP Gold

Apart from just being a WooCommerce inventory software, ERP Gold also integrates with several other Marketplaces, E-commerce, and Shipping channels. Some of the other E-commerce platforms that ERP Gold integrates with include Shopify, Magento, and NopCommerce. For all of these E-commerce platforms that can be integrated, ERP Gold provides an easy access for you to expand your store across multiple different marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, and many more.

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Integrating ERP Gold Inventory Management Software with Shopify

on January 13, 2021

Why Shopify E-commerce Stores Need to Integrate With an Inventory Management Solution

Shopify is one of the biggest E-commerce platforms available for building online stores. The reason most sellers choose Shopify is that it makes it easy for everyone to design and list products regardless of their knowledge about building websites. A lot of these sellers have inventory coming to them from multiple sources which makes keeping a record of the inventory more complicated and so they are in need of a Shopify inventory software. Since a lot of the sellers use Shopify for multi-channel selling, ERP Gold allows the integration of its multi-channel inventory management software to Shopify so that you can easily keep a track of an up to date Shopify inventory management system.


 How Integration of ERP Gold with Shopify Works

Now that we have established why a Shopify inventory management software is important, we will look at how Shopify and ERP Gold, work hand in hand through a Bi-directional relationship where inventory data is interconnected, and with every sale or purchase, the inventory will be automatically updated from both the Shopify and ERP Gold systems. This use of the software is especially important for people who are selling their products both online and in physical storefronts as this kind of integration will not require the seller to go and update the inventory on the Shopify store separately after a sale has occurred in the physical store. This ends up saving time and any risks of error happening since it hides out of stock products automatically.

Ease and Accessibility with ERP Gold

Apart from just being a Shopify inventory software, ERP Gold also integrates with several other Marketplaces, E-commerce, and Shipping channels. Some of the other E-commerce platforms that ERP Gold integrates with include WooCommerce, Magento, and NopCommerce. For all of these E-commerce platforms that can be integrated, ERP Gold provides you easy access to expand your store across multiple different marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, and many more as well as integrate shipping channels like Shippo, FedEx, and UPS.

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How ERP Gold works as an Inventory Management Software for Wish

on November 28, 2020

Why do sellers on Wish need inventory management software? 

Inventory management involves the process of ordering, handling, storing, and processing a company’s inventory. This is done because, without an effective inventory management system, the full potential of the supply chain becomes unattainable. Sellers often prefer handling their Wish inventory manually. However, manually handling the Wish order management system is often very time consuming, cumbersome, and heavily susceptible to errors. This creates a need among sellers to adapt to a Wish ERP integration software such as the multi-channel inventory management system that ERP Gold offers for its valued Wish sellers.

Integrating your Wish order management system to ERP Gold

If you are a seller who needs to maximize his revenue stream with the help of software to handle your day to day Wish inventory then all you have to do is click the Schedule a Demo button on our multi-channel inventory management system page and our team will get in touch to answer any queries and to help integrate the software to your business so that you are ready to go!

ERP Gold does not only limit its avenues to Marketplaces integration but also allows you the option to connect your Wish ERP integration software to your preferred E-commerce and Shipping channels in order to have a smooth business inventory flow that is customized for your satisfaction. Due to these integrations, you do not just keep your inventories organized but you can keep a live record of when these products are being packed, picked, and shipped.

How ERP Gold will help assist your Wish order management system

The way the ERP Gold multichannel inventory management system works is by allowing sellers using E-commerce channels such as Shopify to list products from either one marketplace or multiple marketplaces to manage inventory on a centralized platform that ERP Gold provides. In addition, you may also be able to integrate your shipping channels with this centralized platform. Therefore if you are an E-commerce seller using Shopify as your platform to list products from Wish on your Shopify store then having a Wish ERP integration software will also allow you to integrate shipping channels of your choice to this supply chain. This smooth way of integrating all your business processes on one centralized platform will prove to be both cost and time-efficient. In case of any returns, the shipping channel integration will automatically take care of your return handling needs.

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How ERP Gold works as an Inventory Management Software for Best Buy

on November 28, 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Why do sellers on Best Buy need inventory management software? 

Inventory management involves the process of ordering, handling, storing, and processing a company’s inventory. This is done because, without an effective inventory management system, the full potential of the supply chain becomes unattainable. Sellers often prefer handling their Best Buy inventory management systems manually. However, manually handling the Best Buy order management system is often very time consuming, cumbersome, and heavily susceptible to errors. This creates a need among sellers to adapt to a Best Buy ERP integration software such as the multi-channel inventory management system that ERP Gold offers for its valued Best Buy sellers.

Integrating your Best Buy order management system to ERP Gold

If you are a seller who needs to maximize his revenue stream with the help of software to handle your day to day Best Buy inventory then all you have to do is click the Schedule a Demo button on our multi-channel inventory management system page and our team will get in touch to answer any queries and to help integrate the software to your business so that you are ready to go!

ERP Gold does not only limit its avenues to Marketplaces integration but also allows you the option to connect your Best Buy ERP integration software to your preferred E-commerce and Shipping channels in order to have a smooth business inventory flow that is customized for your satisfaction. Due to these integrations, you do not just keep your inventories organized but you can keep a live record of when these products are being packed, picked, and shipped.

How ERP Gold will help assist your Best Buy order management system

The way the ERP Gold multichannel inventory management system works is by allowing sellers using E-commerce channels such as Shopify to list products from either one marketplace or multiple marketplaces to manage inventory on a centralized platform that ERP Gold provides. In addition, you may also be able to integrate your shipping channels with this centralized platform. Therefore if you are an E-commerce seller using Shopify as your platform to list products from Best Buy on your Shopify store then having a Best Buy ERP integration software will also allow you to integrate shipping channels of your choice to this supply chain. This smooth way of integrating all your business processes on one centralized platform will prove to be both cost and time-efficient. In case of any returns, the shipping channel integration will automatically take care of your return handling needs.

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How ERP Gold easily integrates in to small businesses

on November 25, 2020

ERP Gold as a customizable inventory software

The secret to our software and your business working hand in hand comes from the flexibility of our business inventory software to blend right into your business using the highly customizable features that it offers. When you request a demo, our team will guide you in a way that would make our software fit for your business needs. ERP Gold focuses on providing customizable inventory software solutions so that businesses are not forced to comply with set business features.

Benefits of customizability in small business processes

When you have software available that understands your business needs and acts accordingly, your profitability increases. Customizability helps with the efficiency of the business because your complex inventory system does not need a complex inventory software, but rather a simple easy to use the software. Once the ERP Gold inventory software is integrated into your business, you automatically reduce the risk of making finance, inventory, and logistical errors. This is because ERP Gold allows you to manage all these on a single platform instead of you handling all these processes separately. Hence, this interlinking of the business processes leaves hardly any room for error. The customizability of the software does not only make it easy for the staff to learn its features but employing a customizable inventory software like ours also gives intuitive navigation to the staff as they’re able to find the required tools more quickly.

When you customize the inventory software, unnecessary and unrequired options and tabs can be edited or removed which would make the software easier to use and understand. Every business need varies and ERP Gold strongly believes that providing flexibility enhances the use of the software for businesses of any standing regardless of the industry the business operates in. For this reason, we want our customizable inventory management software to be able to assist businesses as if the software has been specifically tailored for them. With customizability available to this extent, ERP Gold promises to make the user experience a smooth and convenient journey.

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