Why Keeping Track of IMEI/ESN Numbers Is Necessary In The Cell Phone Industry

on March 31, 2025


Why Keeping Track of IMEI/ESN Numbers Is Necessary In The Cell Phone Industry

An IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) or ESN (Electronic Serial Number) are unique codes used for identifying smart phones, mobile devices, and tablets. They are unique to each device and are important for tracking and security reasons. A cell phone wholesaler or retailer has many reasons for which they need to keep track of all the IMEIs in their stock. ERP Gold’s Serialized Inventory Management System makes it easier to carry out the various functions listed below to benefit businesses in the cell phone industry.

Physical Order Verification

If you receive smart phones or tablets in bulk, adding each IMEI to a spreadsheet or system manually can be extremely time consuming and prone to errors.  With ERP Gold’s serialized inventory tracking, it is very easy to add an entire list of IMEIs to your system when received from the vendor in bulk. Simply scan the phones’ barcode label to verify if the correct phones have been received. Once each phone is scanned, its IMEI is added and cross-checked with the existing database so that no items are lost or duplicated.

More Efficient Way to Handle Product Recalls

When you need to recall your product, you need your numbers quickly.  If the information on each smart phone or tablet has been stored efficiently, it will become easier to recall stock from retailers and send it back to suppliers. At a glance, you know which retailers have which IMEIs.  And because the IMEIs are specific to each phone and can be searched easily, it will make it far more efficient to identify particular phones from a lot or batch.

Tracking Software adds an Advantage in Mobile Repairing

In today’s world, repairing and refurbishing smartphones and tablets has become a new revenue stream for companies.  With serialized inventory tracking software, the phones can be managed at the IMEI level instead of just the SKU level.  Phones can be categorized into batches by similarity in model or defects. Phones are scanned into repair software that automatically checks for standard problems.  Once the phones have been repaired, they can be transferred to an entirely separate stock of refurbished phones in the system and resold.

Serialized Inventory Tracking

Tracking inventory at the IMEI level with tracking software increases the accuracy of the inventory. When wholesalers receive the list of IMEIs from their supplier, they already have the data synchronized across different entities. So, when phones are divided into various batches from the lots, they can easily be tracked and organized without having to create a new tracking system.

Easier Cell Phone Distribution

Mobile phone devices of the same model look very similar and can only be differentiated by their unique IMEI numbers. Hence, it makes it easier to distribute phones because information about the customer is being recorded against their purchased IMEIs. In cases of security or compliance requirements, reports can be generated for the sale of each phone along with their IMEIs.


IMEI tracking software is not only important from a compliance perspective, but it also provides stronger internal control processes. The complexities and challenges of IMEI/ESN tracking can be effectively managed with ERP Gold’s Serialized Inventory Management System.  This innovative solution revolutionizes how businesses handle inventory tracking, offering a plethora of benefits

ERP Gold has all the features necessary for serialization of inventory management. We provide an all-in-one ERP software solution for cell phone tracking, repair, distribution, and cell phone inventory management.  It has multiple features for both wholesalers and retailers that allow them to reduce errors and losses while maximizing workflow through efficient organization of inventory.

To learn more about ERP Gold and how we can help you with all your inventory management and control issues, Click HERE.  You can also call us at 888.334.4472 for a FREE consultation.  If you want us to call YOU, fill out our contact form HERE. Or click HERE to schedule a free consultation or demonstration of how we can help you.

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