Easy E-mail marketing with QuickBooks

on March 31, 2025

Easy E-mail marketing with QuickBooks

The market trends keep changing in a very fast paced world we have today. Business Start, Some grow, some close down. But one thing is for sure is a key differentiating factor in growth of businesses, i.e. Email Marketing. Email Marketing, although seems like not much of a difference maker, But it is the most viewed content by mobile users around the world.

E-Mail Marketing:

Email Marketing has a very wide reach and can help in not just promoting one’s business. But also helps in a lot of different factors of business generation. A few of them could be; Follow Ups, New Product Launch Information, Product Stock Updates, Wishing Loyal Customers on occasions etc.


The above information establishes that Email marketing is the key to growth in any business organization. Let us move forward to Accounting Side of things. Finances are also one of the major sections of the business and if they are not handled in a proper way. The company could suffer a loss. For that specific reason QuickBooks is one of the accounting software that helps a company manage their finances efficiently and effectively.

Advantage of QuickBooks integration in ERP Gold

QuickBooks being finance based software stores a large amount of data related to the clientèle of the company. That data can be used to make Easy E-mail Marketing with QuickBooks. ERP Gold being a customized ERP Software for small businesses makes a lot of options available to the users. And Integrating QuickBooks into ERP Gold provides you a one stop solution to all your business requirements as all the different modules are available on one screen.

How ERP Gold Makes Easy E-mail Marketing With QuickBooks?

ERP Gold is not an ordinary ERP Software that just does what you instruct it to, it is an automated system which has sections of it connected to AI. These sections are designed to take actions according to the data they analyze which has been inserted by users in your company. Following are few ways ERP Gold Makes E-Mail Marketing Easy for you;

1.  QuickBooks Integration

ERP Gold provides you with easy integration of QuickBooks into your system which helps you keep up to date with the finance data of invoices, sales, withdrawals, purchases, etc. and through those you have all your vendors, customers and referrals information stored in one place. You can use this information and get easy e-mail marketing with QuickBooks.

2.  E-bay, Amazon Order Management software

With the integration of 3rd party E-Commerce platforms provides you even more data of the purchases being made and the trends of the products that are mostly sold from your inventory. Therefore you can run an Email Marketing campaign to promote the products or keep the customers coming back over and over again.

3.  Lead Generation Software

Along with many other features ERP Gold provides Lead Generation as well, you can use ERP Gold’s automated database to find the appropriate clients for your company and extract the contact information that will provide you enough data for the Email Marketing Campaign.

Therefore in the conclusion it shows that ERP Gold helps you with Easy e-mail marketing with QuickBooks, E-bay Amazon Order Management software and Lead Generation Software. This helps you follow up with your clients better, increase brand loyalty by keeping the customers coming back, provides you the opportunity to increase awareness of your brand and much more.

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