Ways to become your boss’s Favorite Employee

on March 31, 2025

Ways to become your boss’s Favorite Employee

We all know that to make your boss happy and satisfied with you are not an easy task. If you put the success of your company at first place rather than your own, you will grow more professional as an individual performer. If you have started a new career than your ultimate goal should be to make your boss more successful.

So it’s not that difficult, you just need to be sincerely committed to your part of the job and try to develop a decision-making strategy that helps your company to lead in the marketplace. Today I am sharing some tips to be your boss’s favorite employee.

Know your Boss’s Goals

Being an employee a person generally focused on his own goals and forgets that he is here to support the achievement of manager’s goals.   So understand your job to understand the goals, projects, and achievements your boss is accountable for.

If you can ask in meeting or sessions the desired goals and priorities of your boss then you can better support him in achieving them.

Let him know everything

Whatever difficulty you are facing you need to let your boss know. Don’t let him be blindsided by the situations. He must be prepared to handle the issues that are suspect to arise. Being blindsided creates chaos and frustration that ends up in time wasting. Avoid it, and inform your boss about all small and big issues on time.

Don’t expect Spoon Feeding from your Boss

No boss wants to babysit their employees. So don’t bother him for every little inquiry of yours. Try seeking the help of a colleague who can answer your questions. Talk about every work related issues in one sitting that require collaboration. Don’t keep knocking at the boss’s door for every little question. Find their answers with your own abilities.

Meet Deadlines

Delay in submission of your work drive every boss go crazy. Wasting time and then delivering something at last minute don’t allow you to fix the things.  So commit enthusiastically with your work from the starting period to meet the deadline. In fact, aim to deliver it a day earlier than the deadline.

Offer Solutions, Not Problems

Instead of, constantly pinpointing the problems that arise, be proactive about the solutions that could help to resolve those issues. For example, if HR department delays the salary of employee every month you first need to ask them why this problem is arising. Suggest them some Apps, tools, and technology that can help work on time and more efficient. So if any other employee reports this issue to the boss they let him know that you have provided them a solution to solve this problem.

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