What Does Time Tracking Software Actually Do?

on March 31, 2025

What Does Time Tracking Software Actually Do?“Best Time Tracking Sofware” “Productivity is just one of the many unforeseen benefits for Hours”

“What you think of as a day – how long it takes the Earth to rotate – isn’t 24 hours. It’s 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.2 seconds.

Time tracking software is a category of computer software that allows its users to record time spent on tasks. This software is used by employees and employers in many industries, including hourly workers and professionals who bill their customers by the hour, such as lawyers, freelancers and accountants.

One example I share with you is of a woman who works for high-fashion retailer, Century 21, in New York City. “She’d been selling watches from seven in the morning to three-thirty in the afternoon to accommodate evening classes, but when that availability was punched in to ERP, the system no longer recognized her as full-time. Now she is getting no more than twenty-five hours a week, and her shifts are erratic.”

Importance of Time Tracking in Project Management.

When you start with a project, the first step is to write up a top-level plan. Once that is done, you move on to preparing the detailed list of activities and incorporate them into your project plan. Now comes the part where resources are allocated to these activities. During the course of your project, modifications to the activities and resources can happen on a regular basis.  Often, one resource will be working on more than one project and tracking of time spent on different activities is vital in many ways.

When it comes to a project manager, it is important to know the hours the resource is putting on different activities. Over a period, the accurate reporting of time by the resource helps the project manager to understand the performance and the average time a resource takes to complete a particular type of activity.  This information will be extremely useful for the estimation for future projects, especially if the activities are similar in nature.

Time Tracking Benefits

What Does Time Tracking Software Actually Do?

  • You’ll learn how long that “two-minute task” REALLY takes and plan accordingly.
  • The only way to improve a process is to measure it.
  • Time is money. If you’ve going to be scrupulous about your budget, be scrupulous about your hours.
  • Time tracking sets clear objectives. If you know how you should be allocating your time, you’ll increase productivity.
  • You’ll never be caught complaining, “Where does the time go?”
  • You’ll be more successful at completing one task at a time, rather than jumping all over the place.
  • You’ll always know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, which provides a sense of purpose. Purpose increases engagement. Engagement increases performance.
  • Speaking of performance: If you want to ask for a raise, a promotion or you want to hire another team member, your time sheet could be your best ally.
  • When someone makes unreasonable demands on your time, you have proof of why the project/team/organization will suffer if you take on any more work.
  • If you do monthly reviews, your time sheet can help you remember what you forgot.


Projects fall behind when time management is ignored, that’s why ERP Gold offers very accurate time tracking & automatic time tracking solutions for easy recording. From now on, no more guesstimates or undercharging clients.

ERP Gold time tracking software can help companies understand and account for the contributions of their employees.Get up and running with a Startup Account, free for 90 days.

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